Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Chao Ying

We are living in a world full of difficulties and challenges. The world changes every day and new generations will live an even more difficult life. Difficulties may make people lose their faith and may wear their motivations to struggle for a better life. However we should never lose our belief, the power which guides us. In front of difficulties we should keep firmly our minds, and face the challenges with courage.



Lucas Choi

In the future, I would like to work in a place where people respect the company, where people respect nature, and where people respect people. At work, we have responsibilities. We must seek the best for the company, but it can't cause bad effects to nature, because nature is a treasure of life and preserving it is our mission. How can we do these things? The Pirelli's logan is "Power is nothing without people". I agree with that. People make power. I can't offer the best for the company or preserve nature alone. Power is needed and it is in the people.



Gabriela Antunes Cano

Courage is about making the right decision even though you know there is an easier one. Courage is what it takes to make you accept the fact that life is not always as good as we wanted to be, but it is still a lot of fun. Accepting that life is made of several facts that can be easy or hard, good or bad is half of the way. Wanting to face these facts is the other half. Courage is about being loyal to yourself because there will be a lot of moments when everyone will expect you to choose red while what you really want to do is choose yellow. You should be brave enough to stick with the one you want.


The environment and every living thing

rooben subramanen

As a mechanical engineering student,i will look for values that will provide the future generation a healthy environment



Carla Yuri Matsumoto

New ideas, new ways to get something, search for the best. Renovation is necessary not only to make us even better, but it is important to transform our world into a place where we dream of living in.


Integrity, History, Market Leadership, Growth Potential, People-Focussed, Environmentally-Conscious and Socially-Conscious.

Rafael  Scarfon

The task was to write values I'd hope to find in the company I'd like to work in. (Describing them is) quite an easy job if you ask me. The first three are company qualities. A company should always be profit-thirsty, however it should always play by the book. Also, I believe working in a company which has background is simply that much better. Although, employees should be encouraged to bring up their new-standard-breaking ideas, instead of hiding them in order to comply with company tradition. Focus on people - both employees and customers - should also be valued. Foocus in the community is also an important value. Last but not least, being environmentally-conscious is more than a value, it is a must.


Sustainable Planning

Caio Massarelli Limão

Planning our own way of working, living and thinking sustainably is the most important value. Thinking of a sustainable future is not just a path to be detached, it is a favor for the environment and for the ones among us. People, most important the children need to be educated about it and understand that we do not have to use up all the resources but preserve the nature. " Make your present without compromising the future "


Moral fiber.

Karen Cristine Schers

Working with purpose and in compliance with the company's values, being prepared to face different situations and circumstances while learning from them, and aspiring to not only acquire experience but to contribute to the constant growth of the company.




Living in a world of globalization, where every day we face an exchange of people, cultures, languages and information, the respect for the differences must be the main value for a successful living in society. Different visions, values, principles and ideas come naturally from these relations. Where there is respect, there is growth and learning. Respect for workers and customers. Respect for the people we love and for the ones that we don`t even know. Besides the respect between human beings, we should also respect the planet`s boundaries and the environment around us. If we use the world's natural resources conscienceless in order to achieve economic development at any cost, what will remain for us in the future? Respect is the only possible way of development and progress for all without exhausting the environment in which we live in.



Tuğçe Sepet

Life is a very long way that includes many obstacles and difficulties that we may face. I believe that tenacity is one of the most important values for the future of human beings as a trait. When you start something, whatever the result is (success or failure), you should persist to finish it, you should never give up believing in yourself and your undiscovered potential. The most tenacious people are in the world are those who believe they can do everything they set their mind to. Thus, if we are tenacious, there will be no problems to solve.



Rodrigo Barganian Casula

Nowadays, our attitude towards the world is using it as if we have conquered it, as we are superior, all other living beings are there to either serve or disturb us, and Earth is just a place to live and take resources. Since I was a child I had this value that our world doesn't need an expiration date if we learn to ingrain: we are not only part of it, we are because of it. It's a value, a thought, that already exists, but it needs to be spread, it needs everybody. And I guess ingraining is the key to everything: with a better world, lasting resources, saving animals from extinction and creative technology would all then help with what people has always been striving for, life quality, happiness. Because it's about living long, it's about living with joy.


What you know doesn´t have a value. The value is in what you do with what you know.

Felipe Monteiro

The knowledge is something interesting. You can do good things and, with the same knowledge, you can do bad things. I value those things that lead humanit to a better future without suffering.