Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Danton Cunningham

Look at all the most famous and wealthy people in the world. 70% of them, spread out among their various professions, are all in the same business: Recording. Music, Movies, Books, Laws, Everyday life; all are about the record. We have advanced, so greatly, as a species because we leave behind knowledge for future generations. It is our duty as intelligent creatures to pass that intelligence through education. We learned to fly, beyond the moon, even. We learned to live, more safely and comfortably than ever possible even a hundred years ago. We learned to love, without judgement, based on intelligent and fair examination of a person/animal/planet. All without ever meeting the people who taught us these things. The person may die, but the record lives on. That is our true gift to the future.



Faton Behadini

Japanese people are known for their hard work and constant improvement, which they call »Kaizen«. I am not just talking about constant improvement of objects and products but people themselves as well. I'm talking about Kaizen as in constantly searching for improving your well being and well being of others. Constantly looking for areas of improvement in our society and surrounding is crucial. Acting upon positive changes and constantly looking for better solutions for the better of this world. People need to focus on things they're good at and try to see if there is any space for improvement or change and share their knowledge to others for mutual harmony. This inspires innovation which is essential for a positive change in the future easing people's lives and helping those in need. The future depends on improvements of today!


Improving EQ

Orkun Teke

Emotional Quotient is more important for our future. Because it includes five principals. Self-consciousness, management of emotion,personal motivation, empathy and social skills. If you try to improve this principals, future will be better and people will be more succesfull in every area.


Unity (One Vision)

Miguel Angel Arias Anda

"All the ants, can defeat any giant". Every mind is a diferrent world: full of creativity, ideas and passion. A good leader can unify all this and create one vision. We are different to complement each other, so working as a team we are able to change and challenge the world, fight for the same dream and make the ordinary extraordinary.


environmental friendly products and wide use of clean energy


Based on the fact that the resources are limited and overused even wasted and the damage caused is almost irreversible, people will consider more and more about the result their consumption may bring, trying to reduce bad impact on environment and seeking new economical clean energy. More companies will invest on the development of clean energy and innovate environmental friendly products. The environment protection change from passive protection to positive prevention. This value will be implemented in every step of production and selling. The companies which have the ability to democratize clean energy can not only reduce costs and increase profitability, but also become the market leader. People who accumulate knowledge on this domain and prepare for the change have the potential to contribute for a cleaner and safer future.



Marwan Chawa

No person on this planet didn't commit any mistake or did something that if time goes back he/she most probably won't do it again. So speaking about morals though it's very important it's impossible to achieve a person with perfect morals, however if the person can be self-honest meaning that whenever he/she commit an error he/she acknowledge that he/she did something wrong in order to be able to resolve the situation is by far more important in my opinion



Emmanuella  Udom

Music, food, culture, beliefs and values are all constituents of tradition; a continuing pattern. A pattern, that is unfortunately subject to change on a daily basis. Though the importance of an individual’s tradition may seem somewhat mundane, it is nonetheless a vital part of every individual. Tradition is the smell of mother’s cooking over the holidays and the songs that remind us of childhood. It is the music that calms the innermost parts of the mind and the crucial background for every beautiful painting. Regrettably, very little contribution can be made by only one person to maintain tradition and with matters such as this, awareness is the first step. Ignorance is bliss until proven otherwise. One may not know the value of their tradition, which is continually being changed by their surroundings, until they are explicitly told.


Respecting the Values

Hassan Azhar Butt

What ever you dream of, what ever you think of, you can achieve but there is one factor that stops you of reaching your goal and that is the FEAR factor. When marching towards your goal and dream there are many times that a person get scared of not reaching there because of the fear of losing the job, the fear of risking life, the fear of getting lost in the way and these fears play a vital role in holding your dreams and targets. I have never seen a business man who feared of risk and became a great businessman, i have never seen a sportsman fearing of losing the match and won it. So need to over come fear in bold way in future and respecting the values is my vision for future :)



Walter  Shaw

Every single human in the world has hobbies, likes and dislikes, everyone has feelings, everyone wants a better future but only the ones who commit are the ones who make a difference, the ones who change the "game", those people are the Leonardo Da Vinci´s, the Enzo Ferrari´s, the Albert Einstein´s, people that work and commit to a goal, to an idea that the future could be different, human´s that did what humans are meant to do, saying that something its impossible to do and then doing it. If all the people around the world really commits to a goal, we will be surprised of what we can achieve



César  Gutiérrez

Innovation is the engine of humanity, what makes us to push harder and give everything from our mind, in order to create an idea that inspires everyone to explore deeper and find an easier way to solve the life problems. Is the mixture of knowledge, creativity and imagination that helps us to develop a device, a process, or just a better way to do everything. It has no limits, because from a need, we can build something that we thought was impossible, but instead, we make it reality and helpful to all people.




Everybody says that excellence is impossible. This like that ;problem results of limits are very big or we can not define the results, and we says that “this result is infinite”. We accept it. So excellence like this. We think that excellence is impossible for can not define it or can not find excellence. I think that is’nt true. So i adopt that my value is excellence every area. I don’t settle for less than excellence.


Responsible progress

Eduardo Collado

As nations become wealthier and humanity keeps progressing, we must never forget that progress must always be for the sake of humanity. There are many people on earth who need of our help and we must find a way of sharing our progress and ideas so that all people on earth can have a decent life and a better future. Together as a planet moving forward.