Big challenge, great opportunity

In line with its tradition of involving talented young people, Pirelli has decided to promote its programme 'Imagining the Future with', which aims to give brilliant students from all over the world the chance to be involved in collecting ideas and contributions about their vision of the future and values for tomorrow.

An international jury, consisting of prominent figures in the fields of technology, science, philosophy, culture, art, economics and sport, will choose the 10 most interesting definitions (and the 10 values), which will then be published in the Pirelli Annual Report, and, moreover, the 10 outstanding talents will be offered an exclusive 2-month working experience at Pirelli's Headquarters in Milan, at some time in 2013 or in the first half of 2014.

The Pirelli Annual Report 2011: creativity, research and passion give life to innovation

A company is not represented only by numbers. Its soul is made of life, passion, research and knowledge. Every company has a soul, and at Pirelli we call ours a 'Rubber soul'.

That's why the 2011 edition of our Annual Report was the result of an innovative project to go beyond mere data and tell our story, through both words and images. We worked together with Stefan Glerum, a young Dutch illustrator, who helped us to give shape to our core values, and we embodied the literary work of four international authors: the German philosopher Hans Magnus Enzensberger; the American author William Least Heat-Moon; the Spanish author Javier Cercas; and the Argentine author Guillermo Martínez.

The report was then 'packed' into a single book by the Milanese graphic designer Francesco Valtolina.

The 2011 Annual Report represented, in a very creative way, our set of core values. For 2012 we intend to expand our horizon further and to include the thoughts of the brilliant young minds of the future. Read the full regulations and apply now. The deadline to submit your value proposal is February 6th 2013.

Make yourself heard! We look forward to receiving your contribution.

The artist's eye
2011 Annual Report
Bilancio Pirelli 2011, soul leaves traces
Francesco Valtolina for Pirelli
Ideas take shape
Looking Forward