Brian’s Blog: the final.

Brian would like to say a fond farewell as his “stage” here at Pirelli comes to an end and would like to wish the next lucky “Value” all the best for the Future… take a look at his video message here......

Imagining the future with... Brian Shaw

We now have with us here in Milan the first of our Brilliant Minds who successfully made it through to a two month work experience at Pirelli!

Meet Brian Shaw, our Irish boy who was “over the moon” to be joining us here at Pirelli HQ.

Brian is a 20 year old chemistry student from Tipperary, Ireland. ...

11 Bright Students , 4 Paradigms and a Brighter Future

Francesco Morace, a top sociologist and president of the Future Concept Lab, one of the most advanced market research institutes that stands out on the international landscape, specialized in marketing issues and trends in consumption, has teamed up with Pirelli to analyze the Values for the Future we received and we have now pu...

Imagining The Future With… Francesco Morace

The only way to face the crisis in a serious and focused way, for a company today, is to ask yourself about values. I am talking about Values with a capital V, that emerge from the depths of the heart and experience of everyone. Pirelli, with its initiative on Values has realized this need and for this reason has received an e...

The future’s bright… Stand out from the crowd and be an individual

With its initiative “Imagining the future with…”, we wanted to find out what young and new talent was out there, and we were more than pleasantly surprised to discover that our world is in the hands of some brilliant young minds. The response to the task was overwhelming and it proved to be very difficult for our internat...

The future realised in just ten words

This year we have broadened our horizons to include the thoughts of the brilliant young minds of the future. We decided to promote the initiative “Imagining the future with…” with the intention of offering students worldwide the possibility to participate in telling us their visions and values for a better future.

What the panel are looking for…

Take a look at why our panel of experts from the fields of technology, science, economics, art and culture are so excited about our latest project. Our aim is to encourage brilliant young minds and offer them the chance to be involved in collecting ideas and contributions about their visions and values for the future of tomorro...

The process of collecting your values is now complete!

The international jury is examining your entries in order to select the ten most amazing values for the future and give the opportunity to these ten people to live an exclusive training experience at our headquarters in Milan. The chosen values will also be published in our next annual report and illustrated by Liza Donnelly, t...

'If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans for the future', Woody Allen

Let’s try together to think about the future with optimism, a touch of irony and a smile.

What are your plans for the future? What do you think the fundamental values which cannot be given up are? And what about the accidental and unexpected? How do you react?

Tell us now! February, 8th is the deadline f...

'640K should be enough for anyone'

'640K should be enough for anyone'

Bill Gates, founder and former president of Microsoft, 1981

Even one of the greatest entrepreneurs and most brilliant brains in the world had to and was able to change his mind….

Dreamers and visionaries sometimes make us laugh, but they can light up our heart...

'The future could be the concrete expression of a brilliant mind or of a genius’s intuition'

'The future could be the concrete expression of a brilliant mind or of a genius’s intuition' - Leonardo da Vinci

Are you a brilliant young mind?

Do you usually follow your intuitions and your creative emisphere?

Tell us here. In just a few days you’ll find out if you’ve been chosen to hav...

Imagining the Future With... Here's the jury!

Bina Agarwal, professor of Economics at the University of Manchester and president of the “International Society for Ecological Economics”, Thomas Goetz, writer of scientific tracts and long-time director of the magazine Wired, Steve McCurry, photo-journalist and author of the 2013 edition of the Pirelli Calendar, Carlo Ratt...

When I grow up…

Here’s one of the cartoons Liza Donnelly, the famous cartoonist of the ‘New Yorker’, specifically created for our initiative IMAGINING THE FUTURE WITH…

What about you? Are you going to be a leader? Wanna follow us?

Share your proposals for values to build your future with us and take part in the pr...


The only antidote to confusion. The capacity of different people to mix up and work together in order to find new solutions to improve life on this small small small planet will be the key of our future. Regardless of religion, race, gender, false beliefs, ignorance, fear and superstition.

Do you agree? Do you believe...

It can vanish, Mr Bond!

What’s that Q, you’ve got some good ideas for the future too?

Find out what Pirelli’s got in store for 10 talented young visionaries and what the question we’re looking for an answer to is.

Submit your value for the future here! ...

A question of point of view????

Liza Donnelly, the famous cartoonist of ‘The New Yorker’, will create some cartoons to illustrate the 10 most outstanding values.

The ten best ones will be chosen by an international jury made up of eminent people from various fields and will be published in the Pirelli 2012 Annual Report.

Take part in ...

Do you read me, Hal?

That’s how Stanley Kubrick thought of the future in the 1960s. Man is indissolubly linked to time and space, but also has to understand how to use science.

Innovation? Artificial intelligence? Are these the keys to understanding the future?

What’s your view? Tell us what your values and vision for t...

Express your potential

In the 1936 film Modern Times Charlie Chaplin observed the depression and the imbalances of an alienating industrial world with terror, since they lacked values and were indifferent to the individual.

Almost 80 years have passed since then and the world of work has changed radically – but there’s still a lot to d...

Life is like a box of chocolates

My momma always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Forrest Gump.

If life is as unpredictable as chocolates, trying to imagine what the future will be like is as amusing as trying to guess their flavor before tasting them ;)

What flavor will your future have?
Take part...

Smile and think of the future!

In order to imagine the future and to build a better world, you need creativity, commitment and … cheerfulness!

Everything becomes easier, if you do it with a smile: just like the cavemen Flintstones used to do in Bedrock!

And you? How do you imagine your future? Smile and take part to the big challenge!...

'You must be the change you wish to see in the world' Mahatma Gandhi

We mustn’t be shy when suggesting a way to make things better, but nor should we be too soft with ourselves when the moment arrives to impose the discipline on ourselves which is necessary to turn us into the first witnesses to our convictions.

You cannot change the world without setting an example, without doing t...

'Each and every one of us can make changes in the way we live our lives'

'Each and every one of us can make changes in the way we live our lives and become part of the solution' [to climate change], Al Gore.

It is now clear that we are part of a gigantic organism which is instinctively oriented towards indiscriminately devouring those resources around it for short-term gain. But for a num...

'Imagination means nothing without doing' Charles Spencer Chaplin

Imagination is a gift of immeasurable value, one which enables us to step up a gear, and overtake our adversaries in any form of competition, whether it is in sport or professionally. But in the same way that ‘Power is nothing without Control’, so too the Power of the Imagination can be lost if it doesn’t have the support ...

'The greatest virtue of man is perhaps curiosity' Anatole France

Cultivating your curiosity is like perpetuating the vitality of your way of thinking; it’s an elixir for long life. Just like the fascination with discovery, which leads children to take on life with a smile which mingles unawareness and playfulness, and helps them day by day to become masters of their surroundings – so too ...

'If you do not think about your future, you cannot have one' John Galsworthy

It’s natural to meet up with friends from time to time and reminisce about nice things you did together at school. It’s a bit less usual to talk about the future, imagine the new directions your lives could take, possibly during a journey to a far-off land or after meeting someone who doesn’t seem particularly important ...

Liza Donnelly for the Pirelli Annual Report

Liza Donnelly, the famous New Yorker cartoonist, will give shape to the 2012 Pirelli’s Annual Report. Are you a student? Would you like to share your vision of the future with us? Write here your value for the future, the 10 most interesting definitions will be represented by Liza Donnelly’s cartoons and published in the 20...

Plan for the future, because that is where you are going to spend the rest of your life', Mark Twain

Which is the value that you believe would make your profile and professionalism unique? Which are the main features that you will bring in the company you will work for or you will found?

Nowadays, to bring value into a business plays a big role in professionalism, more than technical capabilities. What do you thin...

The empires of the future are the empires of the mind

This is what Sir Winston Churchill said during his speech at Harvard University, in 1943, where he received an honorary degree.

We now are living the future of which he spoke.

What do you think about? What is your opinion? Is greatness a responsibility too? Are the future leaders of our world equipped to e...

The things that you do should be things that you love...

‘The things that you do should be things that you love and the things that you love should be things that you do’

The final passionate interview with Ray Bradbury, who talked about his immense love for writing and writers. A passion which led him, in 1953, to write ‘Fahrenheit 451’, in which he describes a f...

‘I will change the world’

That’s how Peter Weyland put it in a hypothetical conference held in a futuristic TED in 2023. Peter Weyland – President of Weyland Corp – spoke to us about his vision of the future, a future where man has supplanted God and has become so powerful that he can create androids in a laboratory which are the same as human bein...

Try to picture the future

Take a moment to imagine the future and describe the values you expect to find in your world or in the company you would like to work for, or you will found. Do not limit your imagination and creativity.

Express yourself and describe your most important values in the fields of ethics, morality, business, culture, ec...

YOUR VALUES Read the values selected so far

mustafa gugul

I don't know

I don't know yet, but I hope it will not be the money

Giorgia Balzola

Be updated

We need to face with digital improvements, society's transformations and international exchanges. Be updated is necessary. This means, not only, studying hard but t...

Lili Popova


Nothing is possible without drive. Drive is built on self-respect, hard work, and ambition. It is the reason why we always strive to move forward and take risks. It ...