Sociological readingCommented on by future concept lab

The only way to face the crisis in a serious and focused way, for a company today, is to ask yourself about values.

"I am talking about Values with a capital V, that emerge from the depths of the heart and experience of everyone. Pirelli, with its initiative on Values has realized this need and for this reason has received an extraordinary following from hundreds of young, that have told and expressed their visions of the world, with the typical speed of the digital dimension, yet offering reflections that are never dull and that are in line with the major changes that have taken place in recent months. I have had the pleasure in participating in their project guiding the Company in a sociological reading of all the material collected which has confirmed the four major directions – using the studies and research from the Future Concept Lab – we have defined the Paradigms for the Future. I read and interpreted hundreds of phrases and comments from all over the world, and I was moved to confirm the existence of a fine thread that unites millions of people from all four corners of the world, that in their diversity very often they show great harmony, a universal belonging to the human dimension. In times of crisis this is a ray of hope for the future."

The Values have been organized by Concept Future Lab team and grouped according to the four paradigms that the Institute has been monitoring for some years, providing a map of concepts, phrases and keywords coming from the selected texts.
Each paradigm seems well represented in the values that have emerged.



This is the paradigm linked to the quality of daily life, in which the themes of happiness, timeliness, freshness, the smile, and the infantile values of curiosity and imperfect emotions emerge with force. For years we were convinced that speed was the key element to achieving success, theparameter though which social and professional changes were measured. The decisive theme is instead timeliness: the ability to find oneself at the right place, at the right time. Within the vital experience there is an alternation between slowness and quickness. From the Pirelli initiative there emerges a vision of the future in which curiosity expands the horizons, in which invention is combined with simplicity, in which new ways of solving problems are elaborated. This is therefore a dimension linked to the quick, the fast reaction, but at the same time to the deep, that is, the ability to be both deep and happy in their responses.



The paradigm Unique & Universal proposes a new relationship between the individual and the community, between local and global. The future that emerges from the Pirelli competition proposes an individual with a central role containing a multitude of options, opportunities, and projects. The paradigm we propose – and towards which reality seems to be orientating itself – emphasizes the uniqueness of each person who becomes a «piece in a global puzzle». The original ideas, innovations, of each person, underline a local that is able to produce a character so intense as to be transformed into a universal reference, in other words, a local that can offer uniqueness at a global level. So the paradigm Unique & Universal emerges as a way to valorise the local and to understand those global successes, highlighting the role of the local exception and the universal attractiveness of futures guiding concepts. In this sense we witness a reversal of the slogan «think globally, act locally» which is transformed into «think locally, act globally».



The paradigm Crucial & Sustainable enhances schemes and philosophies of life linked to the new concept of sustainability in which the values of awareness, honesty, harmony, equilibrium, perseverance, and tolerance all emerge. To return to our roots, protecting over time everything that surrounds us: our economic, environmental and at the same time social and cultural patrimony. Rediscovering the importance of crucial resources, which prove to have a decisive role in our lives. From these conceptual nuclei there comes the definition of crucial and sustainable. A paradigm that is based on a true change of era, which in "Pirelli's future" emerges as «the courage to do the right thing» with «humility, strength, courage, honesty, consistency and perseverance». The responsibility to decide what is important, to individuals and society, proves to be the decisive key and for this reason be "crucial". The substance and consistency – produced by the ability to choose – contributes in defining the very core of the new market and the emerging society, constituting the enabling platform for what can and must be sustainable.



The paradigm Trust & Sharing redefines a new chain of values taking form within all the various sectors of the market: the reciprocity of relations proposes an economy regenerated through loyalty and sharing. The «yours and mine that becomes ours» and «confidence and trust that reduce anxiety», are two particularly relevant statements emerging from the Pirelli competition. Sharing is a theme that just seven years ago would not have been as relevant as it is today. Facebook was just beginning to take form and it was unimaginable that a billion people could and would exchange stories, tales and emotions online, revitalizing and upsetting the concept itself of «friendship». It is clear therefore that the dimension of sharing is and will always become more linked to the dimension of feelings and shared passions that will generate innovation, enough to suggest the equation «love+passion=innovation». In Italy the example Movimento 5 stelle is emblematic.