Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Köksal Taşkıran

The most important figure for future is communication. Every person has a different right. Only communication can build a better world for us.



emanuela perinetti

In a more equal and fair society, each generation should behave in a sustainable way. It means that current generation should ensure to next one equal or even better conditions and opportunities, in term of natural resources, job perspectives, quality of live and life expectancy.


Clean Renewable Sources of Energy for a better & Bright future for mankind

Krishnaraj Subhashithan

Seeing the energy requirements are increasing on a Global scale and most of the developed countries in the world have opted out for a clean renewable energy source to substitute with the existing non renewable fossil fuels & Nuclear driven power plants. Eg: Germany will be closing out all its Nuclear Power Plants and substitute with clean renewable resources by 2016. But the case is different for most of the developing countries. Some countries are still keen on developing Nuclear Power plants to meet their growing energy requirements rather than investing their time and energy to develop more renewable energy like Wind Power or Solar Power. These if effectively researched and developed and implemented can become a good power source for our future generations.


Global vision

Alberto Nicolás Herrero

Consider all aspects of life and enhance all abilities to achieve sustainable development, respecting the environment and developing increasingly innovative products that make a sustainability style is present in the daily lives of people. I'm no longer sceptical, I no longer have any doubt at all, I think sustainability development is the major challenge facing the world. Our knowledge and our desire to improve should lead us to a better world.


Is Honesty the best policy?

Caterina Andolfato

Honesty of thought and action. Honesty in supporting your ideals. Honesty in admitting your own limits and in facing up your mistakes. Honesty in recognising your creativity, talent and potentials. Honesty in everyday life, in feelings and relationships. Honesty toward yourself, today. Honesty in economy and in politics, acknowledging the urgent need for good practices. Honesty toward future generations, ensuring sustainable development and standing up for the common good. Is Honesty the best policy? Yes.



Nina Kakiashvili

Remember Roberto Benigni's movie "Life is Beautiful"? - "The game starts now. You have to score one thousand points. If you do that, you take home a tank with a big gun. Each day we will announce the scores from that loudspeaker. The one who has the fewest points will have to wear a sign that says "Jackass" on his back. There are three ways to lose points. One, turning into a big crybaby. Two, telling us you want to see your mommy. Three, saying you're hungry and want something to eat." Creativity makes life beautiful.


To be honest

andrew william

when you are honest with people, you will be honest with yourself, you will be honest with your work, work so luck will be honest to you too


Motivate yourself to rise from failures

Mohamed Ashraf

To be successful one must fail and rise again, the trick is in the recovery speed and the amount of information one learned, to rise fast from a failure provides yourself with mental energy and keeps reminded that without failure you will not appreciate SUCCESS.


Best User Experience

Ogün Coşkun

Today, products and services are going to the same way. Everyone changes something to add value their products. But the winners will be providing best consumer/user experiences companies. Companies should design the best experience for users when they want to learn something about your product. To be in the future, consumer must provide the best experience for the consumers whole purchase and using process. Because, brand consists from experiences. Your vision, your mission are not important when you don't provide good experiences for consumers. People choose the best brands according to what ? of course experiences... The others (price,product,promotion,place) are going to be same on all brands.. If you want to make difference, recognize your consumers and design the best experience.


Passion is the Key

Christine Adel

"Enjoying going to work and positively contributing with fresh innovative ideas that benefit the organization" is not a myth. Every person should tend to get a job that suits his interests or what he loves. Hence, his willingness to learn and innovate to grow the organization's products and services, will duplicate. Choosing a job that complies with one's own passion and interests is not only the responsibility of job applicants or existing workers, but it also encompasses organizations. Companies should tend to select and hire only those who are passionate about its own specialization. This will result in less stress and complaints by the working personnel and hence, an improved personal life. Similarly, more passionate and consequently, more motivated and innovative employees will support the organization's quality and even become a competitive advantage in face of globalization.



George S.Fahmy

Over the past couple of years, the Arabic Spring wave of Revolutions have shown us what is it like to believe in something, to hold on to it as dearly as possible, to fight for it with all one's might; which shows the essence of the future, it's not about what others think, its not about following what others perceive as perfect, it's all about Believing: having the perseverance to quest what one believe, to be able to stand against the whole world with a different idea, to get out of that locked box of routines and weary ideas and following that dream of innovation that leads you to creating the Future YOU want!




To be honest I don't know if is correct to consider "network" like a value but, in a open mind view, I belive in it. Actually I'm sure real value and power for a company (or person) is concentrated in network, in the capacity to create it and get advantage from it. "The power is no longer concentrated in institutions (the State), organisations (firms) or symbolic controller (church). It is diffused in global network.." (Castells, 1997). I adduce him to validate my idea. I am not talking about network as like FB; I am talking about the capacity to establish strong relations with different actors of a net and to be an "hub" or "broker" who mange informations. To be part of a network, being an opinion leader and managing informations, I think, will be the success key of future!