Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Stefano Girardi

Given the shift the world is having towards globalization, people will have to base their future relationships upon trust. No friendship or commercial relation is possible without a bi-univocal exchange of confidences, and these are in turn not possible without a faith in the fact that the other person is trustworthy. Give ourselves to the others, losing the control over the most hidden elements of our soul is not easy at all. Despite the apparent difficulty in being sincere and transparent when dealing with another human being, if all the humanity would embrace the feeling of trust, we will all benefit. Imagine the world in 2030: no more disillusion, no more people ashamed by their neighbor. So, in the end, let’s start listening to what I’m saying and give the others a chance: Believe me, I’m not lying.



Victoria Cornejo

One of the most important elements for our future is education because it engenders dignity and self-empowerment. Dignity suggests our ability to live and develop in balance with our community’s values, and self-empowerment refers to our capacity to be independent and productive. Education brings forth more than a transference of content in the form of knowledge and understanding of the world; it helps us determine our notions of justice, and it gives us the tools to define and demand it. Through education, we learn about differences between our cultures and tolerance to appreciate and respect them. It nurtures deep inside people, the unique worth of a person and its natural world. Education builds a solemn and proud path towards peace through the construction of dignified, productive and sympathetic human beings.


Technological advancement implementing energy saving techniques

Syed Adil Bari

We are progressing very well in term of engineering, but if we look deeply into the matter, we are not advancing, we are killing the environment that cause decrease in average Human life, development of new diseases and many other health issues around the world, so what I believe that we have to focus to create such techniques and method that we can make our system around us we have to make it more efficient and less energy consumer.



Maysoon Kteifan

If we want to continue in this life with more progress and technology, should be in respect with our environment health, because LIFE=Environment!



Alexandre Berlioz

Consumer behaviour will be more responsible than ever. How could it be different ? Properly olders, consumers buy better, to replace; they repare, they do themselves to be sure of probity : ecology, wealth and art-de-vivre are keys of the maturity.



Mert Esenli

The passion is the main reason to give a person energy to create better tasks, brings more creativity and innovation. The commitment to a task is the clear measurement of how a person is passionate to this job. Linking to a person, to an idea, to a work or even to a company is the result of a person`s passion for these which is clarified from the inside. To create a better workforce, the motivation is required, which can be gained with passion. It is the mother of all neccessary feelings and is the crucial step for a person to go further with his or her ideas. Without linking passionately to an idea or to an ideology also, the success would not be so close.


Don't image the future .. BUILD IT !!!


Like a tyre, make it roll your life, but give it a direction!!!


Standing Out

Mohamad Nassar

Everyone of us was born different. Everyone of us was born unique. Only when we acknowledge our differences and capitalize on our unique points of strength, that we will be able to stand out and contribute to our societies in a way that no other person has ever done before.



Mohamed Osama

Tolerance is an important value for the continuation of the human race. When different nations, cultures and people tolerate each other, we all can work to build a better world and save our planet from challenges facing us now and hardships that will face us the the future. Our position as the only intelligent creatures and as the only civilization on Earth gives us huge responsibility to improve the place we live in and not the opposite. As humans we should set our differences aside, stop unnecessary conflicts and have a better look at our shared responsibilities and one future.


Innovation..think free.

Mariam Bassem

Innovation is an important aspect of success for most of the reputable companies. Innovation is not only important for everyday's success but also for the future success. Innovative people are the ones who can break the frames that we put around ourselves, they can think freely and get out of the box, they can discover new aspects and succeed at feeling satisfied. Innovation at work is also important in order to find new ways to succeed , and to experience Job Satisfaction. Innovative companies are the ones that always come up with new designs, new ideas, new products and services and they can easily beat their competitors and gain a better share in the market and a better reputation. Innovative companies are also appreciated by their customers. I believe that any company must embrace innovation in order to succeed.


Open To Growth

Abdelrahman Mohamed

The will to try new things. It's important for the future that we are problem focused and solution agnostic. We have to be willing to do what works and hold back biases. Listen and eventually succeed.



Reem Hodroj

Failure is the chance to start over more brightly. Try, try, and try to achieve what we believe in! To be innovative, one must be optimistic and lose fear of being mistaken.