Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Content is king !


I thought about computers, mobile devices, automobiles, manufacturing, software, androids, might be what reaches the point of communication and transportation facilities,.these sectors, companies..Companies encompasses methods and possible management strategies to..people's life standards and expectations..Occupations..And despite all the changes would be 24 hours a day, always ...Technology progresses very fast for sure but We will not see the same speed as social development. Generation of high-tech eyes slowly opened the Z will be taking the reins. I believe that to blend with success tradition and technology. At this point the most important value is content. going to focus on the target and content and determine the content, Determine the content , the target focus and simple to think about. goal-oriented ones are winning.Catch the agenda and renew yourself must!Einstein also said “ If you cant explain it simply,you dont understand it well enough.



Mauricio Santana Aguilar

The base of a promising future is sustainability. Be sustainable is a favor to the earth that gives us many benefits, and that the benefits can be mutual because for some innovative companies recycled materials results in large savings in production costs. If someone searches the key to doing good business in the future would be through this practice that makes us much good at all.



Calarasu Silviu

I opened my eyes in a time when moral values where tested by a society changed by new conceptions. Of course, these could not go through a flux of changes without suffering themselves a radical transformation. New demands, new attitude. It seems that this is the motto that guides the new generation and thus, my generation. For now, we are surrounded by individuals that promote the lack of education and falsehood, giving us the impression that we live among true copies of non-value. The temptation of giving up what characterizes us and adopting a style already known is inevitable, because we are offered strong arguments for it. Culture shows us a different reality, opens to us the gate to knowledge and teaches good students how to remain faithful to their own set of values.


Accessing Information

Huseyın Oksuz

Accessing true information easily has importance in the lives of all of us. Internet is a revolution.But sometimes it is not enough.When i search for my projects i waste a lot of time.Fİnding an appropriate solution to a problem,learning difficulties and who did what in that area can be diifficult.To develop existing information must be accessible easily


I image the future with love

Filippo Sartoretto

Not only in its most common meaning, that is feeling special emotions for something or especially for someone (which is one of the strongest, maybe the most engaging sensation that a person can feel). I think that love is the foundation for all the values (as, among others, respect, honesty, trust but also courage and tenacity) that can improve the future of the world. I know, hate belongs to the human nature as much as love. But if everybody could employ more passion in what we do, if everybody could “love” a bit more who we are and who the others are (in the right way, of course) it will be a little bit easier to overcome this unusual situation characterized by socio-economic problems caused also by apathy and egoism that too often mark the history of humanity.



José Ramón  Lanzagorta Ayala

I think respect is one of the most important values ​​for the future, as long as my family has instilled, as very important. Not only respect among members of society, it also means something very important today, the nature, we have been affected, causing climate change that will affect future generations. Respect for our peers think that always opens doors, either to get a job, or keep up professionally as well. Or just live a happy, productive in the workplace and in peace. These days we live in a society without this value at least in my country there is not much respect for the rights of others, and that is an important point to be addressed and not ignored as fundamental in every society and organization around the world .


Balance in nature

Barış Kavas

We have been trying to imitate the aspects of nature to develop brand new technologies and make our lives more bearable. Now the time is evaluating itself to a new state for modern human societies. Besides the dozens of calculations and formulas about the stars, we start thinking how our new developments will affect the relation between the stars and their resident of deep dark skyline. As humankind, every step that puts us further should be taken with the thought of balance, which nature has been making for billions of years. It is this thought that will bring satisfaction of living to the generations.



Marco Turini

The man holds today a tremendous power of modifying the world with his action. Our planet could potentially be destroyed in some hours, just using all the weapons detained by a bunch of countries. The action of an individual can have an impact on the lifes of a lot. If we want to build the future, a better future, we have to gain awareness. Awareness of our actions, our words. Awareness of the consequences of our choices. Everyone has the moral responsibility of think, stay informed, raise his voice and take an active part in the story of the world.



Fernando Lomônaco

In the digital decade, people do not think more with wisdom. The need for innovation to better the world, one must have wisdom


Peace and innovation

Merve ESEN

I think peace and innovation must be most important values for the future.people should learn this world is all of us. we should live peacefully. thus we can work to produce new thing with all our might. innovation and use of innovation results determine our future life.



Giorgiana Popa

The future I imagine is one in which quality comes first and as far as I can see things have already started to head into this direction. People, slowly but surely, understand that if there is something we should not compromise that is the quality of our products, our services, of our life. In a world where time means money quality has been replaced by quantity and speed, but we should not forget that globalization has not only brought the advantage of higher demands but also the disadvantage of tighter competition and quality is the only thing that makes the difference, is the main criterion that helps us make a choice between 2 or more products which serve the same needs.


innovation and research, responsibility and legacy

Marius Lupascu

What does value represent? Value means, passing the borders that occur during a process through: innovation and research, responsibility and legacy. Combination of 4 values already laid down, is the most important step to ensure the technological process and to answer to unlimited needs in an advantege way, in order to guarantee a win-win situation, both for the company and its clients. By adapting some innovative solutions and opening new skyline you can change what you want. Change begins with you. Explain your other player's vision, the way that you do it and your dedication, it is the first step by which make them to believe in you and what you think is correct In conclusion the word value can have many definitions, but depending on how it is designed can represent a real success or not.