Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Merve Alperen

Only a visionary person can eliminate all the details and can share many different point of views in the same. He/She can see the deepest and maybe the most importent point that the others can't see. That is why, vision is the most important value what can contributes the other values in itself.


Respect or "Risk"pack

Ismail Ülkü

Everything in life is like circles within circles. It means that every result has a reason. The smallest circle that can affect this life is a person with his/her characteristics. And this circle is based on respecfullness and thats why a person primarily should be respectful to his/her personality. By this way, this ability is going to bring him/her well-disciplined work life, good family and social life and environmental consciousness. A person like that always works hard, and never cheats in his/her family or worklife. Like growing circles it creates a respectful family whose member is grown in that way, and as a result it creates respectful society and world. Otherwise, the resullts will be "risky" under the rule of lack of confidence. It means completely "risk"pack like in today's world. Therefore we should choose for future:Respect or "Risk"pack.



Francesco Checcarelli Betti

Our key value is the limitless search for the progress. Progress in science and physics but also in our society, the quality of information and, more important, in ourselves. I believe that everyday life-experience is a brick for our roofless building, which represents what we were in the past, what we are now and what we are aiming for. The rule is simple: always looking forward, but never forget what was behind us.


Social Impact Improvement

Luigi Fierimonte

Crisis doesn't not mean negativity, but Opportunity. These times are opportunities of the firm to grow up, to increase Corporate Social Responsability and improve "Green Economy Investment". This could improve Social Impact of the firms to go out of the recessions. Everyone in the firm is important. Necessity isto give importance to every single Idea



Oscar Ibarra Carbajal

RESPECT, I think is the most important of all, because in life if you apply this value automatically apply most other values​​, if you respect, do not steal, do not destroy, if you respect you value what you have, if you respect help others and care for your environment, if you respect you wait your turn, if you respect are responsible, if you respect love your country and humanity, if you respect are honest. I think it is a core value, achieved widespread respect until no war or famine. The only thing that remains constant is change, and man is the only living being who refuses him, we must learn to respect each other no matter where we are, life is too short and this is the time to create something great for the future generations of our beautiful planet.


Creativity: The path of future development

Alessandro Raponi

Human kind is running towards a world dominated by artificial intelligence. And it is running fast. Machines are able to duplicate most of man’s actions following standardized and precise processes. Nevertheless, man will be still essential, because he is capable of something extraordinary: creativity. Creativity is mind’s most powerful instrument of shaping reality. It represents the key driver of innovation and the most precious resource an individual possesses. Creative minds are able to think differently and to reinvent the world. An organization, guided by creative people, is able not only to compete successfully, but also to improve the quality of life for the future generations.


Conscious intelligence

Sarah Madore Madore

The world of tomorrow will be in rupture with the traditional functionings we have been used to deal with so far : it will be an increasingly complex, fast-paced and skill-demanding environment. Society actors, from individuals, to organizations, to corporations, to policy-makers will have to respond to novel issues with outstanding cleverness and versatility. It goes beyond intelligence, however. We have learned a lot from the - still ongoing - recession, enough to question our certitudes and to start establishing new rules of the game. Therefore, most importantly, tomorrow's world will require consciousness and accountability : it will no longer be sufficient to act, but necessary to be responsible our acts. In other words, my vision of the future involves the following premise to success : a strong relationship between multifaceted talent and world awareness.


Trust In The Workplace

Ahmed Salah

Trust is both a cause and an effect of company culture. The trust we have in each other informs how we operate, and the way we operate encourages trust. Trust helps avoid or eliminate bureaucracy, unnecessary process, and excessive oversight that can both inhibit innovation and slow progress. It is by building trust that organizations can create high performing teams.Trust in the workplace is freedom and encouragement to put your imagination, creativity, and passion to work.



michela maggioni

When we talk about faith we always imagine something so far far far away from us. It is not. We don't have to search in other countries for that. Travelling to other countries, we find people reminding us that faith is possible. We don't have to ask a priest or an imam how to get it. They're just there, showing it to you, in whatever shape. They are there for you, showing how to be patient. You don't have to compare your-self, because it's something you can reach with nothing but yourself, and IN yourself. No money, no power, no social benefit. It already is in You, waiting for you to start shaking this world. Beauty is Inside.


Consciousness (We are one)

Juan Antonio Reus Montaño

Consciousness: describe consciousness as the ability to understand that each of us as human beings we have a league inland with our soul and that league is the same as that with every living thing on the planet and our environment. There is nothing to know, have or do or even to dream, which is not due to the work of other beings in a past time. The most important value is that we must be careful to understand that if we hurt the world or anyone in it we are hurting ourselves, we are one. Every human being is kept alive on the planet because we do other human beings. WE ARE ONE.


Common good

Carlos Castañeda

Enlightened men and women have affirmed the values which beautify more the human being essence in order to find harmony between the reason of the existence and the optimum continuity of this one. Respect, peace, justice, freedom, honesty, brotherhood, empathy, goodness, love… Finally, each one converges in the promising COMMON GOOD of the utopia dreamed: a solid society without negative determinisms where the transcendence in the hearts as maximum mission in the life is preached, a world where fraternity prevails, where dialogue is the solution of the problems, where knowledge, wisdom and experience are our main wealth… Magnificent world disappears from our dreams due to the liquid banality so frivolous and finite. Let’s take action together but no alone! Because the value that will make work the future world is the COMMON GOOD.



maroc solfato

It is the leadership that will bring new value to the future. In our digital era we have immense knowledge and immediate access to everything we desire. We need to have a Leadership approach toward a specific field, only this perspective will allow firms to succeed.