Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Piero Ricci

In the last 50 years the world has radically changed, faster than our minds. People all around the Earth have the possibility to come easily in contact with different cultures and our economies are connected in a indissoluble network. The economical crisis has shown us that no country alone is able to face all problems and our companies offer products all around the world in a iper-competitive enivironment, dealing with new challenge. Sustainability, access to resources, environmental protection will be the most critical issues we will have to consider in the next years. Nobody, no companies, population or Nation will be able to think about their future without thinking about the whole environment. Thus cooperation in all possible forms, from everyday life to international organizations, from solidarity to diplomacy is the key-word for the future of the world.


Discipline Hunt

Ferhan Shehzad

This world is like an open sky , Where valued people are like the stars. Bright , Shining and sparkling faces, which brings the light into the dark. Spirit , Passion and a positive thought , is the key which makes the human alive. I am not a poet , neither a writer Nor a Philosopher, I am a simple human strives hard for a better and perfect management. The vision of an organization should become a vision of each single employee for that organization for a fast success track . There should be a perfect understanding fit in between the company and its employees in their joint value system, there should not be a wide gap in their physical and mental contribution of efforts for their work. For future be passionate think positive and dream High . Become like Stars.


The Real Loyalty

Gaby García

Twenty-first century gave us many changes: globalization made the world smaller and technology made possible the communication with people around the globe; it seems we are reaching the impossible. However, human values are being left behind, it appears like we could no longer be loyal to someone or something because we center our thoughts in ourselves, making it easy to lie, break or betray. I think that is really important for any personal or professional manner to resume loyal practices because creating bonds is more productive than letting people down or breaking agreements. I believe to be a lack of commitment in every act of disloyalty. Also, I think that being loyal to a person, a company or even yourself can bring along the practice of other values such as honesty or respect, which continue to be important nowadays.



Soomin Kang

The key value of our past has been "power", but our future lies in "energy". Both are strong, but opposite in direction; a powerful person dominates the weaker, while an energetic person energizes those nearby. While the powerful seeks to maintain the current status, the energetic constantly seeks innovation. Power shifts, while energy is sustainable; power suppresses while energy embraces. "Energy" is the impetus which will move us forward in the new era.



Mihaela Popescu

My one most important value for the future is imagination, because it is the one component which makes us thrive in what we do, keep up with changes that come along the way and surpass expectations in any field we choose to. Imagination keeps us inspired and ensures that everything around us evolves. John Lennon said "Reality leaves a lot to the imagination", meaning that imagination is the reality of tomorrow and the way we imagine ourselves to be, we will become.



H. Murat Aydogan

I have always defended the fact that there is no right or wrong. The rightfulness of any action must be interpreted according to the conditions in which this action is accomplished. This is exactly why for an action to be right, the present conditions must always be taken into account which leads us to the notion of empathy. Even before taking the first step through a decision making process, the present conditions for the subject of this decision must be taken into account. This is the only way to prevent any evil action from actualizing since nobody will be willing to do anything she/he wouldn't want to go through. We must always try to put ourselves to the other's shoes before acting. This is how we can erase all the differences which are already created by us and unite.


life is a journey to be reached successfully

sangam kr

life is a journey, starts from the moment we are born, there might be some damaged paths, but these will be compared to the sorrows of our life. if we head back, there will be no reason to start a journey. once we fall to a trouble, there will be a way to get out of it easily. the only key for the successes is not being lazy. but we should think another unique way of doing things. once we reach our destination. the most satisfactory person will be us. we should not loose hope in our self, we should not compare us to others. as we will disappoint our self, and insult our self. some strange people may depress our confidence, but we should trust our-self. this will be the main path of our life's journey.


Easy or simple

Mark Bonnevie

Take something old, reinvent it, make it as simple as possible, thereby more people understands it


Acceptance and Comprehension

Gabriela Mattar

In our world live people of different colours, genders, sexualities and beliefs, and unfortunately that causes an incredibly big amount of distress and confusion for all. Prejudice, war, bullying, racism. As long as those words are commonly used by people all around the world, there is something WRONG. And that's why my values for the future are Acceptance and Comprehension. If somebody is different from you, inside or out, that doesn't mean you're superior. So think twice before excluding or being mean to someone next time. Accept. Comprehend. Together we can achieve much more!


The most important value is Independence

Rosu Calin

Independence is the real value that has stood at the bottom of all progress humanity has had to offer.when mind prevails oer matter,when ingenuity becomes a part of human nature,then you know time has come for a leap of faith. The independence is both born and bread,it is both general and unique to each and every of us.The independence of human from social prejudice,from cutumiary practice and even our own flaws,is what gave us the edge over all other creation God has given the right to exist. Independence is God's way of making sure we prevail against all odds.All of us have our own degree of independence hidden away in our hearts,our oun way of coping with the world around us. We all have a duty to surpass our forebearers and independence is the key to this endeavour.



Floriana-Lavinia Belulescu

I value having passion in everything we do, especially in work, because it drives us to adapt, to improve. Passion in the workplace drives a relentless desire to help and please, an audacious goal that motivates, a hunger for excellence that's insatiable, a thirst for success that's unquenchable and a devotion to an organization that's unfailing. Passion drives the entrepreneur, motivates the athlete, calls the missionary and births the leader. I believe that passion is what I will need in order to accomplish everything I set my mind to.


Future is People!

Nicolo Bellavigna

I have been thinking a lot before to identify my idea on the future; while i was thinking, many ideas came to my mind but then after few seconds they went away. All my ideas were interesting but there wasn't one that really stuck out . Then at one point i found an idea that i could finally love: we cannot talk about “adaptability”, “creativity”, “network”, “leadership”, “sustainability”,“dreaming”, etc , when at this time the inequalities “break down” million of people. So the “idea” turns into a “need”: removing the inequalities and producing happieness in order to be able to start asap our future. But we need to be careful: this shouldn't be seen as philosophy. This should be taken as an economic thought : “producing happieness would create more consumers and would grow new markets”: "Future is people".