Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Gabrielle Lachtrup

When I was young, I lived in a world of softened forms. By first grade, I’d received the first of many glasses prescriptions. My lenses adapted my eyes to the world, sharpening light into something I could see and use. Adaption is essential for our species. We have a knack for situational adjustment, for building our homes of earth or spruce or snow. By virtue of our being supremely clever and infinitely malleable, we have conquered the globe. Now, though, we face the harsh reality of climate change; how we’ve boiled our oceans and poisoned our air. A warming earth demands that we revise our fuels, our farming, our future hopes. We adapt, or we collapse. It will be difficult. It may even seem impossible. But then, ours is a species where even the blind can see the stars.



Alberto Vergani

I imagine the future with us uns ons oss os nous nou noi nobis nos nosaltres nosotros na nam nám nas μας sisi ni ne nekünk okkur kami kita gurekin linn meile meitä mums нам нас ни bize chúng tôi لنا เรา մեզ আমাদের … so on



Ahmed Maher

Innovation is the ability to create and effeciently apply fresh ideas in order to generate new products or services. The concept of innovation becomes very important nowadays due to the increasing rate of globalization among the markets. Applying innovation successfully will rescue the companies from the danger and risk of monotony. Innovate, think for tomorrow but act now because the future starts from today.




The most important goal for future is change which cannot be achieved without an open mind. We need to understand to live in a global world and if we will not adapt to it, we wil ruin ourselves. We need to adapt to Mother Nature and not destroy what she gives us. Governments need to adapt to people's needs and not to money's need. We need to adapt to differences and see them as enrichment rather then as a danger.



Nicola Migliore

Unity is strenght! This should be the most important thing of our era! And we must learn to cooperate and collaborate each other, to promote projects for the local community, to develop a territory, to have a greater welfare. With the Culture, the most "dangerous" weapon humans have, people could learn to fight for a better world... For us and for the future generations!



Areeba Kamal

This world is 4.5 billion years old. Yet, 50% of all commodities it has ever seen were produced in the last 20 years. How, you may ask, is this possible? Through technology. Through infrastructure amalgamating geographically detached regions into one market. Through interaction of talents and ideas across borders. Through connectivity. In an age where the world is one economic zone, we are separated into 200 national units. As information technology permeates our lives, we grow increasingly conscious of this paradox. Knowingly and unknowingly, we dissolve boundaries. Every time we use Skype, send an email, or board an airplane, we defy historic divides. Everyday, we transcend lines on maps in our quest for growth as one global nation. Ethnic, religious, national, ideological gulfs cannot keep us apart now. The entire world is our oyster. Wherever we are, we are



Zilong Zhang

As a Chinese saying goes "cooperation benefits both, while confrontation impair both", I believe win-win must be the real harmonious balance in the near future.If everyone keeps the value of win-win, more and more understanding, tolerance and trust will make the interpersonal relationship even better. For enterprises, this concept is also vital to do business in market competition. Win-win not means no competition, and it just stand for healthy competitions and mutual benifits. For instance, after years of cutthroat competition, Coca-Cola and Pepsi finaly understanded only win-win can bring the real market benifits to them. Just accord with some scholars‘ view: competitors tend to a win-win situation by years of competition. In my opinion, with development of modern civilization, the value of win-win will become a global consensus not only for people, but also for nations,enterprises and etc.



Ahmed Maher

Future should not be awaited, future should be created.


Renewable Energy


I'm studying Industrial Engineering.In the future, the renawable energy is the most important on the world. Because running out of fossil fuels. Therefore, we must to use clean energy.



Yun Zhoou

With the earth's resourse decrease and deterioration of ecological environment, any single person or company is hard to live alone. In order to save the earth and make a livable environment, companies, enterprises and factories will become united to make the situation of developing faster and more efficient with less waste in every field happen. Countries wil also become united. No one is able to comfort everyone person from all over the world. The whole world has one dream that is make the planet live longer as long as possible and every nation will strive for it!


Innovative Ideas

Peter Komives

A world in which vehicles react to voice commands, steering wheels turn automatically without driver input and cars float on city streets instead of moving on the ground . Sounds like something ripped straight from your local sci-fi movie. But it's not. These innovations are being tested every day while you're drinking your morning coffee. They're no longer part of the future, but innovative ideas are and always will be. These innovative concepts are what drive companies to compete in dynamic industries where one brilliant idea is replaced by another in a matter of minutes. Having unique ideas and thinking on your feet will always be part of the future no matter where you work.


Trust is a must

Ahmed Maher

Trust is the most valuable asset a company can own, and becomes a liability if lost.