Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Experience from mistakes

Ömer Mutçalı

When you do a mistake, if you know that your mistake will be your experience tomorrow it is not a mistake anymore. It is your gain now! If you understand the notion, you will never do the same mistake.



fjona nallbani

Sharing is a just way to extend one's own ego to the rest of the world and, in the meantime, make someone else at least a little bit happier. And, since in the modern era, the world is getting everyday smaller but people are as selfish as always, sharing (which is different from giving), would be the perfect compromise in order to gain the happiness of all .


a new life on a new universe

Luca Betti

i think that human kind has to improve and optimize with all its resources disponibles the desovering of new planets the more and more far from our.this why because we have to find planets very similar to our to continue the evolution of human do this we have to use spaceships dotated of nuclear engines to reach very very far destinations and to keep under crio-genetical sleep the astronauts on this way we will be able to reach amazing and totally new spacial distances. thank you for the attention



Catia Agnolucci

Being passionate about the reasons why we live, about our values and goals, will represent the key.


Outside the box,... But not too Far!

Yara Abdelkawy

It's always great to think outside the box , by creating a creative new solutions to any problem or ways to do anything. BUT, don't over do it ... "imagination is Good but reality is REAL " You want to be Successful aren't You .. ?! So, to Come up with new ways to solve any problems, you need to know this: 1. It must be easy . ( not so hard or difficult you can't even make it real ) 2. It should be fast. ( slow is not always good ) 3. Be CREATIVE. ( try to think of something new, easy, perfect ,fast and 100% can be achieved) 4. Understand the minds of other people so, you can always be one STEP ahead. 5. Don't make you're Brain an open box to others. (make them Wonder!)



Shahpar Altaf

Everything we do , we use, we want to use should be in a sustainable way. Sustainable Development is my value for the future because this is the only way of sustenance of this world and the resources they need and are going to need. In my opinion fuels and energy resources are the ones needing most focus and there should be more focus on developing alternate energy resources which could be renewable, sustainable and able to meet the consumption demands. Best example and object of study can be the production and efficiency of bio fuels such as bio-ethanol and bio-diesel etc in order to cut the high demand pressure on regular fuels like oil and diesel.Moreover focusing on technologies manipulating alternate energy resources derived from natural sources like wind and sun.This is the foremost need of the hour.


Future... Key to Understanding

Rodrigo Morales

Understanding is a virtue vital for coexistence and human respect; without it there is no place for plurality and communication between individuals and societies. The key is our, the time is now. P assion I nitiative R evolution E motion L ove L egacy I ntent All this with understanding... the way to a better world.



Roberto Ceresa

Dissimilarieties will be the key of the future, in a world where globalization now rules. The differencies, used to discriminate people, will be strenght points because they will be voices-over.


believe in yourself

Michael Bourn

If you believe in what you are doing, then let nothing hold you up in your work. Much of the best work of the world has been done against seeming impossibilities. The thing is to get the work done.



Ayram Ittessor

Freedom is the power of being what you are



Johanna Rothstein

Life just happens in the midst of carrying and letting go. However, we can find peace in every step we take with the courage to take them. We all have a ticket in our hands to a free and prosperous life. It takes courage to do the right thing, despite the fact that doing the right thing is very hard to do. Courage teaches us to trust that somehow, with all the tiny, trembling, and hopeful steps we take, everything will all work out in the end. Courage comes from the willingness to listen to the voice in our hearts. When we listen to our hearts, we can create a world we want to see, bloom.



Dora Madalina Guzu

I imagine my future with people that respect and help each other. A place where there are no Italians, Rumanians, Brazilians or Christians, Buddhists or Muslims but people remembered because of their individual stories. In this way we have Roberto the friendly guy who cooks pasta so well, Alexandru the optimist one who travels a lot or Jose the one with the beautiful smile. I imagine my future exactly as my Erasmus. A place where the people are willing to know each other and to have good time together. A place where differences exists but they are important only to prove the uniqueness of each person. A place where the focus is on what we have in common not on what distinguish us. I imagine a future where there are no foreigners, but human beings who come from far away.