Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


The "dignity"

Simonetta Simeone

The dignity is the universal value that represents the key of all human rights.


Moral Commitment

Francesca Celestre

In every job, in every part of the world, be yourself and act for everyone's benefit, not only for yours, or someone else's. Distinguish yourself for your moral integrity, even when there is no one like you around. Don't give up your morality, but commit to it. Always think about the others; at home, at school, at work, reason how can you actions impact them. Keep in mind the past, and pursue the goal of a great future, for those who will come after you. When your last day will come, make sure to leave them the world you would have liked to be born in.



Atahan Atalay

In this new world, creativity is the new values of the future. World is becoming more and more global every day and new technologies and inventions are spreading all over the world so easily. Good creativity and new inventions will affect the new era and this companies which can be able to create new products will be the leader companies. As we can see now, new technologies and different inventions are spreading all over the world so easily and producer’s become the leaders’ of their sector. Whoever can create new things which can make people’s life easier, they will reach the leader position and gain the biggest reputation of future world.



Yuan Wu

Success is the baby of confidence.It's important to believe in ourselves under any circumstance because only when we believe we can ,we will.The belief keeps we searching for the answer,which means that pretty soon we'll get it.We are still young,it's impossible for us to be right before we experience failure,and confidence,is what help us go through the failure and finally get the answer.After we get the answer,confidence will encourage us to make a new attempt.And these small attempts are what take us to success.


Prospective thinking

Dinu Mirabela

Up until a few years ago every man on this planet thought of means to make the world better for him and for his or her generation, very rarely you would meet a human being willing to think in advance, willing to think about our heirs and their future needs. Our way of believing that only the present moment counts brought us in the position we find ourselves today (global warming, the thinning of the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, the depletion of some resources) and because of that I believe that one of the values that we should guide our life and actions by IS prospective thinking. Trying to accomodate this value into our lives will help us develop many other values that are as important for our well-being, values like trust, embracing differences, unity, courage, perseverance and others.


Fear brings the future

Jaewon  Ryu

The very first semester in the college, I was lost. There were so many temptations in college, I couldn't hold myself. I was waiting for someone to guide, hold me back and keep me 'clean'. I was scared of falling down. I didn't know what to do with myself. Fear struck me. I let go of myself and hit ground zero. There was nothing more to lose and I wasn't afraid of anything anymore. I’m already inside the ‘fear’. So what? Fear of not achieving a goal motivates people to be stronger. Once people have tasted 'fear', all they can do is to climb up. Fear may drag people down to lowest point, but that only gives more strength and time to recharge and jump back up higher. Fear is an important value for the future.



Tuğçe  Sepet

Life is a very long way that includes many obstacles and difficulties that we may encounter. I believe that tenacity is the most important values for the future of human beings as a trait. When we start something that is not important whichever the subject is, whatever the result is , we should persist to finish it, we should never give up believing in ourselves and our undiscovered potential. The most tenacious people in the world are those who believe they can do everything they set their mind to. Thus, if we are tenacious, we have not failed yet.



Faton Behadini

There is a lot of people in need nowadays. And there is also a lot of people that don't think they can help, so they simply close their eyes on important issues, whether it is global warming, waste management, social rights, poverty, hunger, or financial problems. Unawareness is today's world's greatest problem; as in people do not live in symbiosis. The future of our world can be brighter if we take certain steps. However, in order to take this action, people have to be aware of the seriousness of the problem, and they are usually not. Many citizens of developed countries don't even spend a minute thinking of those in poorer countries. Such big issues cannot be solved fast, but being aware of the problems our world is facing, people can certainly speed up the process and start acting accordingly.



Robinne Thibault

In a world where people are constantly against each other, we need to work on a process of tolerance: tolerance between religions, between black, white, asian people, between handicapped persons and non-handicapped persons, between homosexual and heterosexual... We have to stop thinking individually and start thinking as a group, as a common consciousness. When I look at my future, our future, I see important challenges and theses challenges will only be passed if we word together as one, if we accept each other as we are... Global warming, religious wars, opposition between North and South, a global financial crisis, the rise of nationalisms, the need to protect diversity... Without tolerance, our world won't make progress...


A race for Green

Luca Stefanutti

The environment and the sensibility of this topic will be central in our future. We have to think to the possibility that the world will no longer be the same in a couple of decades. We have to believe that we can do something. We have to start to change it.



Wing Yan Au

Imagine everyone shares their thoughts and ideas, hopes and dreams rapidly using their own digital devices. An idea could be spread quickly and reach a large audience in real time. It can reshape people’s mindset. The oppressed will fight for freedom and will become free men eventually. The economy will take off. Plenty of new jobs will be created. Women will enter the workforce and the society will achieve greater gender equalities. People will enjoy a higher level of income. Imagine the developed countries share the green technologies with the developing countries out of a common goal – to save the planet for our future generations. Therefore, the developing countries could develop without polluting the Earth. I believe wholeheartedly that the sharing of ideas and information using information technology could empower individuals and make the world a better place.



Harsh Singh

We just need to take the first step in faith, not necessary to see the whole staircase, people who think they can do things they are really remarkable. Inside ourselves we have always a place where we are alone and this is the chance where we can really tighten and loosen up the strings of mind and stretched it to the new dimensions. We don’t need to be afraid to do new beginning because we will never win if we never begin.