Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Multiculturalism, Cosmopolitanism, Tolerance, Respect, Brotherhood, Equality

Cristina Bazzucchi

It is important for the future that everyone grows the feeling of living in a global neighbourhood in which everyone can be safe, secure, happy in his own house, free from poverty, hunger and fear.



Stacey Crompton

To be confident in who you are, what you want and how you will acheive and succeed!! Keep hold of your confidence and your aspirations will become your reality!



Andrea Cerio

I consider that passionate people are the most valuable people. You can clearly distinguish what has been made with passion. You can clearly see the happiness in the eyes of the ones who love what they do. I think that in our society there is the need to learn again what real passion is: a philosophy, a way of life that brings wealth and happiness.



Filippo Stacchini

Cooperation leads to development, social aid, innovation, equality, just to mention some. Through cooperation we can build a better society for tomorrow's world, eliminating inequalities among different generations, innovating with an eye on the future and adopting a new perspective, considering mutual interests as priority goals: the whole society, the whole world would benefit from such proactive behavior and attitude.



Brian Shaw

We have already come so far, compared to where we were 100, 200, 300 years ago. Healthcare, education, quality of life, transport have all improved significantly, and all thanks to the ambitious and innovative ideas of great people. I want to be one of these people in the future. I want to come up with original, innovative ideas that will improve existing technologies and even create new ones to make life easier and more comfortable. It's often said that "the sky's the limit" and this is true. The vital thing is that innovation continues and that we don't become stagnant, settling for what we've already achieved. My ideal value is that we celebrate what we have achieved, but that we also focus on further developing the world. The key word here is simple: innovation, the value I promote.



Giordano Maccario

I am wondering a future where everything is under the human control and everybody can handle and manage tools, devices, technologies and transports units in the safest easiest way. My thought is similar to Pirelli's one, that everyday with research, passion and experience try to find out best tires in the way to let every driver be more performant, more accurate, more safe.



Huishu Jia

The future I would like to have should be unpredictable, full of challenging, very exciting. I reject an ordinary life, I wanna to live an extraordinary life with an ambitious dream, brave heart and a pair of hard working hands. I also believe our life should controlled by ourselves, so I need to work hard to earn lots of freedom to achieve my goal.


Action, efficiency, respect and mutual aid.

Georgiana Petrutiu

We all have innovative ideas, big dreams but just few of us put them in practice. Make your dreams happen trough action, make your action faster and better trough efficiency and respect each other, no matter what that person is. Collaborative communities, mutual aid is a key issue in this consumerism world. With a wright attitude and those values you can be a better person and be a part of a better world.


Conitinuity and development

Samuel Shulver

Maintaining the highest standards that technology will allow




Perseverance will help us change our environment as we to cast to date, which has been and will be the most important value of humanity, we see from antiquity to the present day, and we continue to see. We will see in every man and woman who stands up and fights for his convictions, purposes and goals, we will see in every man and woman who feels able to pursue their dreams, we will see in each one of us to look in the mirror in the morning, telling us it's time to go for what you dreamed last night, go and continue to persevere and fight for our dreams and so continue to build this world for good or ill is built on dreams of people who persevere.


To create a better tomorrow

Emma Heath

To create a better tomorrow than what we have here today. If every individual thinks about their impact on the economic and social world, then together we can ensure that we are having a positive impact on the world that we live in. People's everyday actions can have a negative impact on the world without them even realising; whether it be damage to the environment or to the feelings of others. By working together and educating people in small changes that can easily made, every individual can make their own positive footprint on the world. Making the world not only better for our tomorrow, but also for future generations to come.



Daniele Frau

The competitors never sleep, so the thing to never forget is to put passion in the everyday work, because the best idea comes also by the heart, not only by the brain.