Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Future is people !

Nicolo Bellavigna

I have been thinking a lot before to identify my idea on the future; while i was thinking, many ideas came to my mind but then after few seconds they went away. All my ideas were interesting but there wasn't one that really stuck out . Then at one point i found an idea that i could finally love: we cannot talk about “adaptability”, “creativity”, “network”, “leadership”, “sustainability”,“dreaming”, etc , when at this time the inequalities “break down” million of people. So the “idea” turns into a “need”: removing the inequalities and producing happieness in order to be able to start asap our future. But we need to be careful: this shouldn't be seen as philosophy. This should be taken as an economic thought : “producing happieness would create more consumers and would grow new markets”. "Future is people".



Alice Cirimelli

I think that passion is a key component in my life and will continue to be so in the future. Love, family, work, friendship, are extremely different aspects of our lives, but all are driven by passion and I think it is the passion to make it so fundamental for us. I believe that the world could be better if people do everything with passion, because when you do it with passion it is done in the best way. For me to do things with passion is so important because it allows us to live intensely, to experience happiness and to always do our best. If we follow our passion we work hard without thinking about the effort and if we work hard we reach our goals. I hope that in the future passion guide who will govern our countries.



beatrice acerbis

my values for the future is love in all aspect of live becouse only if we think in that way we can change the disaster of our time !



francesco damiani

we have to re-discover what makes us special (the same that makes us all friends :-))



Camilla Valli

I think the color is a key element for the future with the word color mean to eliminate the darkness that is spreading around the world the color is a key element in the life of everybody is the childhood and therefore happiness, cheerfulness, peace, the desire to create and live, hope .. without which one can not imagine a future



Andrea Badiali

Every breath you take Every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take Will be watching you. We are all bounded and connected. In the next future those connections will be more and more enforced. Politically, socially, economically and environmentally every act we make will have a deeper impact on the lives of others. This awareness is what will guide the next generations and our present consciences. Andrea


IMHO Respect for the others, intelligence and culture

roberto de santis

Respect for the others is something really good to be carried on trough the years going into the future




HOME is the place to be.The space to rest.Everywhere should be home. Tomorrow is more then today if we are fair and build TRUST. When we can TRUST we can feel HOME and if we can be TRUSTed we can make other people feel HOME. This is nothing new for the Future it's always been but always there is someone in need of this values, because he lost them or he couldn't be lucky to find. My most important value for the future is TRUST to let us go blind thoughtfullless, fearless and hopefull through life and feel HOME.



Giovanni Cammarota

The future is consistent with what we do now and what we are.




Nature is the most important value of humanity from the first century till now, and hopefully will be in the future.Because humanity will always need the nature and its resources.Can you imagine a planet without trees or plants? It seems that you are breathless and no senses... People worry about the world's natural resources future,I don't think that we are so violent or careless.I believe we are going to keep the green world and respect the nature.All we need is just a little bit care to live fresh!Keep saving the green!


Believing to Faith

Sevilay Beken

I believe the power behind activation ourselves for catching the success, is faith. People who are driven by their faiths, catch success sooner or later. Faith brings passion, and passion is a sense of igniter in people’s hearts. Faith comes our hearts with inspire and with help of them, we can see differently, think differently and create differently. Faithful people don’t hesitate about taking an action and despite of driving by their beliefs, they become inspiring person and get the masses behind. Not only in bussiness life but also in everyday life, if people know why you are doing this, they want to be part of it and your influence will grow like an avalanche. I think future will be shaped by faith, to do what you believe is the best value for the future.(in 140 words…Happy 140 anniversary)


Continuity and Time

Cihan Ikizler

All of the inventions that have been developed for humans' continuity in history. Today we are still inventing new technologies. Tomorrow, it will be the same. From medical technologies like stem cells to transportation all of the branches that effect human life continuity are leading us to the importance of time. The time will be the most important thing in our lives. We are producing faster cars every year to shorten our transportation time that is a loss for our lives. We are producing different types of medicines which extend our precious life time. In the future, everybody will have time for everything.