Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Gabriela Antunes Cano

Faith is about always believing in something more and knowing from the bottom of your heart that good things are the ones that deserve your attention, while bad ones you should ignore. Have faith in the invisible beliefs. Have faith in the humanity. Have faith in the person sitting next to you. Have faith in yourself and in the future. This will certainly make life a lot easier. Destiny is part what you make of it and part about having faith in it.



Nicolas Chavotier

If once born old men had always been dreaming awake since So that curiosity, passion and optimism are not a wince. If men challenged themselves to keep intellect curious and alive So that cheating the impossible is a wink of eye. If teenagers brought their intimate music to make the world dance So that life is a promised chance. If children began the journey with an hopeful step Without fearing to fall on the doorstep. If we all lived of elegance and grace And tamed all the beauty around, Of unknown happiness we will shape our race. May patience abound. What is essential is invisible to the eye, It’s worth a try. Poetry is a weapon loaded with the future As suggestive as the smile of a child. Humankind is full of surprises. Tomorrow ? Who knows ?


Changing values

Maria Olivia Figueiroa

I hope there is a change of values​​, find the values ​​of humanity meaningless. For example people work to assemble a product for a low salary, and this product is sold across the world for an absurd price, 10 times the salary of the producer. People still go hungry, still people mistreat animals. Hopefully less cruelty. We need people with the ability to love even the smallest living being exists, because if a person has this capaciade she is confianvel and has the ability to be fair. We need righteous people.



Willian Marcos

We all need perseverance in our lives because there is no goal achieved without perseverance and hard work.



Sanchit Mehta

Its about the willingness to take Risks for the Global Cause. With car technologies set for a change in due course of time due to depleting resources it is the time for tyre manufacturers to take the leap. It is time to bring out such radical changes which put tyre manufacturing companies at the centre point of all discussions in automobiles. With boundaries getting diluted it is upon the established companies to take risks to lead the world to the end of the tunnel where there would not only be the solution to the problem but such a dynamic solution which will change the way we think thereafter. The time has come when tyres will talk for the car and change their supporting character image to a lead actor one too.


Determination and awareness

Matheus Rocha

Every single moment, milions of ideas are rushing through our brains. Most of them are environment-triggered. That is why a excellent professional must be aware of what surrounds him, either locally or on the other side of the globe. Then, when a good idea is born, it is worthless without persitance, or determination. To have clear, objective goals, is indispensable. The pursuit is the probation every good idea must pass, in order to suceed and come true. This values make a go-ahead professional, this values makes things change for good.



Paloma Narciso Beraldo

In order to meet the expectations of the clients and to fullfill the objectives of the enterprise, one must have integrity and be committed to one's values. Therefore, it is of ultimate importance that an enterprise be honest with its purposes and seek the best ways to achieve them along with innovation and integrity. Virtually all enterprises that succeed in confronting their problems are those that have clear and well-conducted objectives which make them capable to react well to setbacks. Thus, an enterprise will overcome any situation if its goals are realistic and its vision of the market is well-oriented. By this way, an enterprise becomes a solid institution with unique reliability which, by establishing its position as a pioneer in the market, is the most efficient to grow in innovation.


For the future I want the acceptance of differences and rights to equality.

Giuliana Amalfi Pinto

I value the word consideration. Consideration for everything that you do, from writing an email to educating your children. Consideration for everyone around you, by just listening to a friend or even doing a huge favor to a complete stranger. Consideration for the world, by recycling or maybe researching a new source of energy.



Pelin Yüzbaşıoğlu

For me, freedom is the most important thing people should value. It gives us the chance to be creative and share ideas with the world. I think it enriches our lives and allows us to make a difference in society. Everyone should be able to feel free regardless of what environment they are in. I think it’s such a shame when culture, religion or tradition stand in the way of a person’s freedom. I always have great respect for people who strive and fight for freedom. It’s sad to think some people take their freedom for granted and waste their opportunity in life. I therefore think we should all value our freedom and more importantly, the freedom of others and allow it to inspire us to do great things towards a better future.


The blue dream

João Paulo  Francisco

The future will be incredible. People are sharing information of cultures and ideas for new experiences. The world turns on incessant transformation and is necessary thinking big now, people do better today for 10 years the world be fantastic. A vibration the brazilian people creates new horizons and blue dream will be new, creative, fantastic and innovator. The people need sharing ideas and knowledge, together we make a future.


Accessible Innovation

Giovana Pancheri

The vision of "make it big", innovating every single thing on our reach, is probably one of the main fuels of today's industry. But to think beyond today is to think a possible way of making everything accessible.Technology must be created for this particular reason: make our lives better. Not only for money or for particular interests, the industry must look further. The technology integrated to the day-by-day of common people, helping to ease the difficulties from the needing ones. Popularize innovation in great scale is the next step. I believe that is the trend of the current greatest companies. To look at this giant market and think about a way of making lives better using somethings that normally would be restricted to a few people. That's my vision of the near future.



Nathan Petrin Baranauskas

"If a problem seems to have two different solutions, the simplest one is usually better.” This is the basis of Occam’s razor: And I truly believe that (with fewer exceptions) it can be applied to all situations, no matter if it’s in your job, in a college’s test, or in personal life. The key of happiness is in the simple things. You don’t need to wait for extraordinary facts to be happy (don’t forget that an extraordinary thing come with rarity, otherwise it wouldn’t be extraordinary). It’s simple! However, not easy…