Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


To Be Local Innvovative

Esraa Ahmed

To be successful, you have to draw a roadmap which is decomposed into two parts; 1) To be creative in your field and to be always innovative in your ideas and solutions. 2) To be able to understand the environment where you live and to try to adapt to it. This value is very important especially with respect to the era of Globlization where the one firm could be spread all over the world. It does not matter how much you are innovative as a whole but to be beneficial where you live and work. An innovative solution might be marvellous for one place but totally unaccepted in other one. To Think on a local prespective, you will be ale to succeed in any place in the world.


Key resources become a sustainable competitive advantage

Daniel Wang

The future world is full of competition and only the giants who are the true maters of the key resources in each industry can survive and win the game. Such key resources can be key material resources, key manufacturer techniques, exclusive channel resources, etc.. A wise company should determine what are their key resources and how to protect and fully utilize their key sources to optimize their business model and maximize their profit.



Dawid Baranowski

In 2013, we have heard a hundred keynote speeches on the importance of individual dreams and inner passion, we have seen scientists univocally stress environmental issues and likewise, we have seen companies state they will commit to ‘cleaner’ practices. In 2013, we are a society that appears to have discovered and even over-analyzed the path to excellence in our economic and personal lives-yet not always made a step on it. Without adamant perseverance, environmental issues will remain bullet points on companies’ Social Responsibility website sections; self-fulfillment will remain a water cooler dream of nine-to-five workers; and the global economy will grind down to a predictable stalemate. We need perseverance to adhere in our actions to the principles we laid down for a better future and replace mere hot air with the steam of engines of innovation and ambition.


We Are The Future

Any Gonzalez Lozoya

When I think about the future, I think about people. Someone else may think about technology when it comes to the future, but not me. Sure it is something that will be present during the future and it will impact our lives, and I know that. What I also know is that without people technology would not exist, so that makes people way more important. I personally think that we are giving ourselves a lot less credit that what we deserve. We are the past, we are the present and we are the future, as simple as that. So what we should be worried about is in ourselves, our feelings, our values, our dreams, in everything that conforms our self. This is the only thing that will accompany you always...yourself.


Lovely Empathy

Luis Enrique Ruíz Rivera

With a lovely comprehension of the universe, every action would be thought in a holistic way, which would generate wellness for every part of each process. It would be the perfect tool, with which the world could share knowledge, responsability and support in order to satisfy needings with the priority of a universal balance.


Technology Skills

Peter Komives

Flashforward to an era in which technology lurks around every corner and holds no place for the common man. It cuts society in half: those still unaccustomed to a simple e-mail system and those who possess the knowledge to design a hovercraft. The latter facing an ocean of opportunities while the former is left to adapt or die. It's a future that demands a strong connection between man and machine. It's a future that demands expertise regardless of the career you wish to pursue. It's a future that is already dangerously close to resembling our present times.


Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Orkun Teke

Global Warming is really important problem for our world. After the scientists are declared that renewable energy issue would be obligation, people’s interest in this subject has increased and accelerated. Climate and the world are cahnging It seems unstoppable, However it is wrong. "One idea or thing is enough for the changing to world." The things are these renewable energy and energy efficiency. What' s the biggest advantage of the R. E ? Answer is really simple , "Less CO2 " We have to use this sources for sustainable future and environment. Research and Development investments must be raised. The hybrid based systems can be build up and efficiency of this systems supported by well adjusted infrastructures. Finally, I want to say that, "Renewable energy is meaning renewable future. " Best Regards.


Eagerness to Sustainability

Giorgio Natali

People should be eager to tend towards what naturally is conceived as good for everybody. Implementing sustainability among countries, societies, people; looking for new practices whose successful development may lead to new ruling concepts: that's what needs to be applied and stressed. A focus on desire for doing better for youself and the others should be carried out in order to spread the positive effects of a sustainable environment to every level of society: no waste of resources, a better lifesyile, issues concerning ethics in consuming.



Benjamin Silverman

The last century has seen titanic achievements and gargantuan destruction. The world is passing through a crucible and if we are to survive it we must except that we are small. Our personal lives cannot to be put before the lives of others living or the lives of those yet to live. And our species must stop putting ourselves before the rest of nature. Our lives can only have meaning then when we humbling put ourselves at the services of humanity and the whole biosphere.



Niklas Nygren

The American philosopher Henry David Thoreau once said: “Be true to your work, your word, and your friend”. Even though this wise quote surely has an ever deeper meaning than I can perceive; the value of honesty struck me as I read it. Honestly, honesty is the most uncomplicated thing in the world, yet, people don’t even stay true to themselves; nor to the once they love. People educate themselves for 3-5-10 years to follow some dream that is not even theirs. People lie about the smallest matters every day; to their friends, their best friends, their family. “I can’t come because…I’m sorry, I forgot because…”. To be honest, the future will be better if we stay true; to our work, our word, and to our friends. Honesty might even solve the most complicated, uncomplicated things in the world.



Emiliano Masi

Be free from chains. What you need is always near you, everytime and every where.


Sharing Energy

Phanos Anastasiou

Imagine being able to store all the energy that is wasted as heat around us. The ability to collect and share the energy that is wasted when we drive a car or even walk would be a step towards a way more efficient future. When a car drives windows vibrate, wind flies by and the road is heated up. When we walk, elastic energy stored in shoes is wasted. The ability to universally recycle that energy would allow us to at least charge our portable devices to start with. If we could least remove these devices from power outlets we have already made a difference and after that who knows? Walk around, run around just be normal but help our planet at the same time.