Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Constant evolution

Nicollas Poletto

To me, life is like a sphere. I believe that we should seek the constant evolution of our spirit of innovation because we live on a planet where we need to make it a better place, whether in society or in nature. To get near this development work is very important, it is a place where you put your ideas into practice, encourages innovation and tries to evolve as a person every day. Perhaps in the future, in humans, we can be like a ball, which is perfectly round and symmetrical and thus live in a society that has a perfect harmony with human values​​, environmental and business.



Ahmed Mohamed

Persistence is a very important key in order to succeed in the future.



Renato Cardoso

To share, to innovate, to risk, are just some tools. Tools to achieve a dream. Our world is becoming more and more exponencial, some professions will desappear, unimaginable others will appear, many changes will happens. So the better and stronger bridge between the present and the future, for a company or human of the world, just will be to believe. Really believe in a dream, in a goal, in a more evoluted form of your current state. Day by day believing and doing it happens through this tools and many others, otherwise, if at some moment it not happens, it's because this organization or human, in fact stop "to believe" your own dream.



Elton Souza

The cradle of all wisdom is present in our children. They are what transform the old into the new, beautiful in the ugly, the sad in cheerful, and yet it is they who will open the world's eyes to a new horizon. They will design every detail, feel every impact, every mistake will see ... they will always be rotating in a single direction, can sometimes reverse back, but their purpose is always greater to go ahead and find the best paths, the paths of happiness .



Diego Castro

I think that when you are honest with yourself and with others, you act with integrity and the people can trust you. This is amazing. When a person knows that you are telling the truth and always believes in you.



Panteleimon Kotrozos

Τry to make future less tiresome,think about aliens and make it awesome!



Daniel Kaneda

Much of the universal values and virtues that contribute to the good of the individual and society and affirm our human dignity are derived from the value of respect. Nowadays, people forgot its value, be respectful became a quality hard to see, they are respectful when it’s convenient. Respect is not about just being polite, it’s about be humble, honored. What matters are not the differences of skins, sexuality, richness or thousands of reasons that brings people to discrimination, what is of paramount value is the respect to every human existence. Years ago, elders represented wisdom, kids respected their parents and teachers, people respected character, today, these values are lost, kids are “superior”, elders are abandoned and people respect power, richness.



Efthymios Revenas

SAFETY of our family ....Financial SAFETY.....the SAFETY of the environment around us...The SAFETY of a home ,a permanent job...KEY WORD OF OUR LIVES......"SAFETY"!


Personal happiness

Felipe Vasques de Oliveira

When you achieve personal happiness, in your company, in your family and every place, you can do every thing with passion. And passion makes the big difference between working and working with progress.



Nikolas Sakkas

Technological innovation and progress are of course aspects needed to make our lives easier and better, however there are the final complex steps. Looking for the core, the beginning, the spark in every achievement, it all starts with something simple. Humans wanted to fly,but how? It all started with the simplest idea: just observe the flying creatures to find the way. Here came the inspiration and now we have airplanes and experts in aerodynamics!
Even the most complex machines, even the most complicated designs, all start with a simple-sometimes even trivial- idea. Perhaps the simplest the idea the greatest the importance of the final result. All you have to do is just find The idea!



Julia Travieso

life doesn't happen without change, and having the wisdom to accept it and deal with it properly is what guarantees a great evolution. It's important to have diferent experiences because it helps us make better judgmentes, better decisions and grow into better human beings


Our Right To Hope

Konstantinos Kentrotis

I strongly believe that hope is the most valuable gift that humanity is given. Especially for young people, hoping is an essential activity in order to find the strength, among the difficulties, to work hard and prosper. What is the meaning of life without hoping? Hoping for a brighter future, for your children to live in a safe environment and of course hoping that someday you are goning to be able to find the job you have always been dreaming of...Especially nowadays, with the crisis ruing all young people's dreams, hope is the only and most precious thing left. If we lose our hope for a better personal and collective future,we lose all our chances as well. So, let us, young people, claim our right for hope...