Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Rosy Iannotta

Communication is the most powerful tool by which man has. Promotes values. Imposing models that mass emulates and pursues. Has the power to make us see things that don't exist and bewitched us with the latter. At the same time, however, it is representative of truth, puts us in front of the harsh reality and can become a devastating " means of destruction". Communication is cradle and mother of values such as: innovation, growth, sustainability, transparency. Currently, communication is bound by standardized models, which fail to grasp the essence of the message conveyed. Then, make the value of future communication would free the thinking of a more authentic form of expression. Many resources now essential for our lives, one day will collapse but the word, the communication is an inexhaustible source that will not stop ever to spread between people.



Dogac Artem

I would like to quote a samurai's words for it "No matter what it is, there is nothing cannot be done. If one manifests the determination, he can move heaven and earth as he pleases. But because man is pluckless, he cannot set his mind to it. Moving heaven and earth without putting forth effort is simply a matter of concentration" As long as we are determined there is nothing we cannot do. Human mind is powerful all we need to do is showing determination and doing the best we can.


Take care about the future

Edoardo Mascheroni

If we take care about the future, if we take care for our children, if we take care the next generation the key is to strive for a better world. "Yes, we care" has to be our motto. If we take care about everything we do, the world can be a better place. We need people interested, active, lively. People that work for the good in their cities, in their town or in their village, doesn't matter how important is their role. Enjoy the time that you pass working for the common good, because it is also for you, for your family and for the children that you have or that you will have. Everyone must do their best, only in this case we will be able to change this world in something better. Lets go to do it together!



carolina aletti

the heart for the future


Can we grow indefinitely?

Filippo Falconi

Is it more important an infinite growth or a sustainable growth? Can you always seek a constantly progress, the evolution of a civilization that seems to never reach the limit of its possibilities? When TV says: "Italy loses 2 percentage points of Pil this year." Here you are, this shows a continuous and merciless struggle between countries, which are fighting, even if not directly, with financial and economic tools. You can not grow indefinitely. The word "growth" should be used sparingly. This is why I imagine the future as a solidarity sustainability, where companies and countries cooperate with each other to grow, not the operating results or competitive, but the social ones. I image the future like a a network of beliefs can thus increase the welfare of the world, and so the ourselves too.



Andrea Cilli

"Competictory" is a neologism created by me composed by competitiveness and victory: because you must to compete and win, alone or with team.


The Family

Marta Pazzini

I think family is one of the most important point of society. In every family children grow up with differents values and ideas which probably reflect the family's principles. It is family who has to educate childrens to be good children in that moment and virtuous people in the future. In the past, family was considered more important than the rest... Nowadays, men has to work a lot to gain more money because of the higher cost of life and women can reach prestigious job-position, so they prefer work than stay at home and to be mother. A lot of causes have contributed to depreciate the role of family, which risks to become a block to personal achievement instead of a springboard to the working world. I hope in a world in which men are less business men and more fathers and women are more mothers and less competitive in working.



Ya Wen Fang

An optimistic attitude leads to a simple life.


Courage to innovate yourself

Marco Solinas

Future is. . . Being able to learn, to improve, to change Being ready to travel, to run away and come back Feeling always enthusiastic to the newness Feeling always such as a guy who have to decide about his future Having fear and hope Imaging always different life and having the perseverance to make it real Everyone dreams, but living is better. And living means most of all to sacrifice, to test yourself, to build yourself from the beginning once again And the life of the future needs the courage to be ready to change Being able to be, to live, to realize, even if you have done it before. Life means to grow constantly. Living means to change yourself every day to make your life the dream you had yesterday.


Children are our future

Özge Gültekin

There for Value means children in any case, under any condition. My vision of future is to have a job in an international environment, to create a value for humanity. I believe that its very important to know that you contribute to the word something precious, valuable, useful. No matter it can be adding functionality to a production which is really important for people or to It also can be to change someone's mind in a positive way, to make someone's life easier, happier or more meaningful.. To sum up, Above all it is very important for me to meet with new cultures, to work with people who have stories, have the belief of " we can make the word better and we should do it". The value for tomorrow is happy children, happy humanity.



Helena Kleinschmidt

Humans can do impossible things. We can hold conversations across oceans, we can jump out of airplanes, we can print objects in three dimensions, we can see cells and stars alike through lenses, we can eradicate diseases . . . and all with the help of our technology, which has advanced to the point that nothing now remains impossible for long. With every technological challenge we surmount, it may seem as though our race moves ever closer to invincibility. Yet we must always take care to remain humble; no matter how omniscient or omnipotent my generation becomes in the future, we must never assume that we have a right to dominate anything, from our planet to the economy. Our innovations should not serve to make us masters, but rather, we should use them as servants for good in the world.




I think, the speed will be the most important thing in the future.Technology is developing in everywhere with each passing day .People is thinking like this; nothing could be slow.People want to do faster everything.Hence,they are intolerant. Acording to them slowness is a waste of time in their fast and short life. In addition , I think they are right! We should lead a fast life.On top of all this,Velocity of light will be important value in a short time and every moment of life compass the velocity of light. For example; time,universe,radiation,technology,physics etc..And for this reasons,the speed will be nesessity in the future.