Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


The most value is energy of future

Meltem Sarıtaş

Because the energy needed by the developing technology products. Will gain increasing importance of electricity and energy transformations in my opinion.



César Iván Gutiérrez Mancillas

Innovation is the engine of humanity, what makes us to push harder and give everything from our mind, in order to create an idea that inspires everyone to explore deeper and find an easier way to solve the life problems. Is the mixture of knowledge, creativity and imagination that helps us to develop a device, a process, or just a better way to do everything. It has no limits, because from a need, we can build something that we thought was impossible, but instead, we make it reality, helping to all people.


Team work and Speed

cinzia boninelli

In the world of globalization, in the world in which everything can be created the most important values for the future are Team work and Speed. First of all, when people work in group can manage to be more productive and creative. Team work offers many advantages: people can find more and best solutions to problems, use more efficiently tangible or intangible resources, eliminate idea not worthwhile, expand productivity, exchange idea and cooperate. They can do more than one. Let me expand on that idea that Speed has to be a prerogative in order to achieve goals before of every enterprise else!


Growing with responsability and sustainability

André  Proença

It is extremely important to emphasize the importance of those values in our future personal lifes, because in a world each time more techonologically advanced, the environment will figure an important picture to be preserved, what would ensure us a more qualitative life. In the company world, that will be the secret of the success because the consumers will become more and more demanding of green products. This fact will reflect in one of the most competitive market: the automotive one, where consumers require quality and performance allied with low prices, without forget the green responsability and sustainability of the companies. Finally, one of the largest multinationals in the world, Pirelli, will contribute to improve the quality life of society and establish itself as a financial, technological and referencial conglomerate in the future capitalism market following those values.



Davide Amati

"Galileo, your vision of the universe is absurd! How can you believe that the earth is moving and the sun stands still?" "Christopher, are you crazy? Are you really planning to go on such a dangerous expedition? Get a family and settle down!” "Steve, you've just lost your job. Forget about all your strange projects and find a stable and secure position!" What really sets apart geniuses like Galielo, Colombo and Jobs, it’s not simply the ideas they had in mind. It is the boldness they had in pursuing them. Having a dream is not enough. It could be the most beautiful dream of all. It may even help society a big deal. It could be well designed, attractive, smart. It could be the most beautiful dream of all. But just a dream it will remain, if you lack boldness.



Michelle Gonzalez

I believe that respect is one of the most important values for the future unfortunately seems that people have forgotten it! Nowadays we do not see it and we do not feel it around us, just a small group of people really respect other thoughts, religions views, ways to live and nature, but this will push us to incorporate it in our lifes. It is imperative to mantein and keep it growing! Respect embrace our education, ethics and tolereancy. the reaction will be a better world, to have a better future for us and for the new generations. Being the example for children, we can make a lot and a huge change! We need to be a community. I see the future working all of us as a team growing in any aspect and see us as one!



Carlos Henrique Parussolo Biancolini

The world needs people who don't stop when a barrier appears in front of them. People who believe in changing! All the world, and in this situation we are talking about people, animals, nature, companies, governments, well, the Earth need of us! The future generations too! We should be the protagonists of the changing, of the evolution, of the social and environmental responsibility. And the perseverance is a essential value to get this, to do a better future!


Endless Possibilities

Yige Han

"Bye Mom and Dad." I turned back, went through the gate in Beijing Airport, and headed to the United States for college. I have never imagined myself to embrace such a lot of possibilities after that. The first time washing a car for glee club fundraising, the first time performing Bollywood dance with Pakistan girls… As a marathon runner, I cherish my every brave step forward out of my comfort zone and I am surprised by the possibilities it brings me. To me, future is something invisible but editable. Future is about carrying on one’s adventurous spirit and then meet endless possibilities. Future is also about helping people embrace these possibilities. The education in a women's college makes me reconsider my own value and devote myself assisting more people to have the chance to meet a future full of possibilities:)


Power of Commitment

Zenya  Molnar

What drives a company to achieve its objectives? What value encourages people to undertake projects and complete them with steadfast dedication? Commitment is courage to set a goal and persist to the end. Commitment to self, to the company, to the environment, to one’s peers, and to the future requires us to collaborate and follow through with zeal and motivation. Without committed citizens there would be no hope for the future; for with lack of devotion, no one would be held accountable for their work and ideas. To attain a bright future on the planet, we must be committed to performance by ecological yet efficient standards, and we must collaborate to understand our differences. In order to achieve our goals, it is imperative to commit to actions that ensure sustainable solutions that will allow us to adapt to the future.



Alexandra Molnar

Bold leadership is essential to confront the challenges of the future and to pioneer the inventions that will help us overcome obstacles. A leader devises fresh ideas, exudes confidence, and accepts responsibility while collaborating with, listening to, and respecting others. Seamlessly bridging the past and present with the future by learning from prior mistakes and translating them into opportunity for improvement is a leader’s daily task. A strong leader has no fear, yet restrains her impulses and is decisive after proper deliberation. Leadership embodies the ability to constantly emerge from the embers of failure with renewed solutions, derived from thoughtful calculation, organization, cooperation, and dedication. Guided by the qualities of a tenacious leader, a group of people, a company, and the world can reach the summit of innovation as a team and ensure progress for generations to come.



Gürsel Nazıroğlu

To see the world as someone or something else; to understand how to feel a child has lost his family and home, how to be a fish which has to live in a swamp instead of a lake full of pure,fresh water; to consider what conditions the new generates will face because of the global warming... These are the opportunities of the empathy which means the only way for having good days in the future. If I am aware of that the pigeon will suffer from hunger and thirst because of the chewing gum I've thrown to grass and it tries to swallow because it thinks the gum is food, everybody can get informed about what goes on in the world and establish empathy. Living in paradise is up to us...



Guilherme Marconato

I am a student of physiotherapy, my thoughts always have to be facing personal integrity, treating or preventing a disease that affects the pessoa.creio it that in the industrial environment, there must be such a concern for the integrity of the employee, as only will the ability to produce the most, who are well (physically and mentally)