Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Oriol Cleries

for nature and for people: -Sustainability -Equality -Human rights




because the World is the only wealth we ever had and will ever have .



Ejona Myftaraj

A future without Compassion would be like the ground without the teardrops of the sky: arid.



Agata Bianchi

Team working is a fundamental concept for the businesses of the future: sharing ideas could be the key in order to achieve the major business' goals. The abilities of listening and understanding what our team-mate say are the basis on which create a competitive advantage, that will lead to the success. Core point: believe in their own abilities without supremacy, and with the conviction that our working team-mates have something that's worth listening to.


Reconsidering Resources

Abdallah El-Zanaty

Looking ahead in the vague tomorrow, we should re-think what we consider today as assets. Would money, buildings, oil or jewelry still be of the same value as today? Will there be a new currency instead of paper bills? Will the rising generations look back at what we valued as primary resources as prehistoric? Could money transactions be replaced by another exchange form, similarly to the way paper bills replaced what we consider ancient trading schemes? Let’s plan for tomorrow…a tomorrow that is unpredictable due to all the rapid changes affecting the paths we pursue, the interests we seek and the finite possessions we consider as resources today.



Kristoffer Tjalve

Today's companies who want to succeed in tomorrow's business environment need to understand the power of the ongoing democratization process. Top management are required to acknowledge the ideas emerging not only from the bottom of the organization, but also from outside of the organization. The customers, who are increasingly well educated and now have access to express their opinions through blogs and microblogs, are no longer only residing on the demand side of the value chain. Customers should be treated as an asset, and they should be integrated also on the supply side of the value chain. For any company to leverage on the democratization process requires an ability to rethink organizational structure, and to rethink the company's position in society. No company can silence the customer, instead it is about dialogue and engagement. But it is worth it!



Ertuğrul KILIÇ

If I am not giving a dedicated effort to whatever large or small task before me, I am not living up to my potential. I really hate thinking "good enough" -- it always saddens me a bit when the reality of life is such that I can't give my best to everything I do. I am proud of my accomplishments, but I always see the room for improvement. I am most successful when I put forth the greatest dedication.



Anna Rzhevkina

Confidence reduces anxiety and gives feeling of security which is one of the basic needs for everybody. Being self-confident for me is a first step; the second one is confidence in others: in people I am working with and things we are doing together. I choose confidence because it assumes other values that are crucial for me such as achievements, trust, tolerance and optimism. I am aimed to continuously build confidence in myself through words and actions: for example, by setting up a challenge and overcoming it, by taking risks and facing fears. Moreover, as a professional in marketing I would like to give confidence to others by encouraging them and making feel good. The way to do that is to create positive emotions such as comfort and warmth because they are sources of confidence.



Antonio Vella

Being aware that everything we think and we do has spill over other people and over the future.


It has to be love

Maythe Baldwin

Loving everything we do so we won't be embittered. Loving where we are so we'll look after it. Loving ourselves so we can love others. Loving others so we'll want to share. Loving knowledge so we'll never be arrogant. Loving union so we'll learn to be patient. Loving culture so we can learn to be tolerant. Loving our dreams so we'll understand hard work and believe in it. Loving balance so we'll never be extremists. Loving the truth so we can be free. Loving life so we'll live it worthwhile. And by loving ourselves and our environment, it will let us be in peace, harmony and have happiness.


Great visions

Davide Bellino

The complex challenges we face in the interdependent fast-moving world of our time need minds willing to go beyond the contingent nature of the “present” for shaping a future conscious of the dynamics underlying transformative forces, including economic, environmental, societal and technological seismic shifts. Awareness of risks and the increasing complexity of challenges for businesses is a key point for transforming complexity in opportunities, and in shaping a valuable and sustainable future; in short, conceiving great visions. Being visionary is a value to be preserved, it is a way of modeling innovation, it is creativity, and finally, it is the ambition to trust in the changes everyone expects from life. Visions are those gears that move history in new directions.


Energetic humbleness

Walter  Serratos

I believe that we are in time to address the energetic needs that we´ll have for the future. Oil is wearing out along with the earth and nuclear energy is not sustainable as it used to be, We know the existence of other good sources of energy and wont use them because they are common around the world. We got thorium which can replace uranium in nuclear power plants and has proven to be more sustainable than uranium. Safer, x70 times more EFFICIENT than uranium and controllable.  Power economies won't develop or work with other common energy sources because it wouldn’t be as profitable since other countries have their own share of this common sources. Thorium can be found around the globe, humbleness is what our world needs and not greedy governments looking to get richer.