Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Ly Nguyen

Security is the value that I believe in for the future. The value promises eradication of poverty and hunger, universal primary education, gender equality, child protection, improvement of maternal health, combat against diseases, environmental sustainability, and partnerships for global development. Beyond those, security also lies in the warmth of a baby snuggling against the mother’s chest, in the hug that your other half is giving you, in the love of family protecting each other, in the trust of soldiers fighting for their countries, and in many and any ways that would assure a better tomorrow. No human individual should ever be living in constant fear and distress. In this 21st century as well as the future, security needs to be emphasized and practiced not only nationally, but also globally.



Bridget Realmuto

History has often shown us that the mismanagement of resources can be an impetus for war. In managing these shared global resources, sustainability alone is insufficient; the world needs people with a true passion for ingenuity. Only ingenuity provides a means to utilize technological advances to create effective resource management solutions. With increasingly interdependent economies and societies, successful communities will be those with creative ideas and the passion to implement those ideas into actionable plans. As individuals continue to upgrade computers, phones and software it will be genuinely creative leaders and communities that will upgrade our minds to a sustainable future, where a world of many becomes a world of one.



Jorge Luis Torres

Determination helps each one want to challenge ourselves, compete, don't stop believing in what we believe and keep our goals. Determination influences every decision taken every day that eventually build the future that each one wants.



Alena Douglas

Many indigenous cultures maintain that we are all related; researchers have verified this and it now stands as scientific fact. How then have we become so disconnected from that simple principle? While humans have begun to move towards a sustainable model; we still maintain harmful beliefs and traditions that reflect our antiquated global economic paradigm. People strive for monetary and material wealth. In the process we underrate leading a simple life. Instead, we squander our natural resources. We must respect our planet and live in balance. Hence our immediate goal: to innovate, invest, and produce while embracing this fundamental premise: the Earth is a miracle containing a delicate web of life that must not be severed. After all, we would not cut off one arm to make the other stronger. Moving forward accordingly will open vast, productive and awe-inspiring possibilities.


better future

James Liu

In my opinion, a better future has two main ways to come. One way is discovering our future. There are such many unknown things in our life, we should discover it. For example, a scientist always try to find the new theory. This is discovering. The other way to make our future better is creation. We can create things which don't have before, had we need them. Like an engineer make a new machine, which can help us do some work. With the mind of discovery and creaty, our future would be much printful.



Kenesha Darlington

Blood. Sweat. Tears. Hematic passion propels me forward. A passionate dream urges me to transcend all obstacles. I dream today that tomorrow, I will become a doctor. My parents have worked assiduously to provide for my family. My father beams with unbridled pride knowing I have made it thus far. I had a "Carson Epiphany" (stimulated by my idol, renowned surgeon, Ben Carson). I find that we are similar in many ways: we are both from humble beginnings and just like Ben; I have a passionate dream to become a doctor. A world without passion is a stagnant world. Passion drives an insatiable hunger that can resurrect impactful change today for tomorrow. This change can be economic, political, and social or in any other sector. For my father: may I inherit half his strength to bring my passion to fruition.


Go & See

Angelica A. De Giorgis

“No way”, the old man said, “whatever they will tell you about it, it will be just words. Don’t trust words, trust people: go & see, speak with them, look in their eyes and then ask why. And when they will respond, whatever they’ll respond, show respect because just by answering they bring respect to you – it’s a hand held out towards you - just the beginning of a sustainable partnership. Bring this to your friends, it’s that simple! Here comes the sun, little darling”.



Edoardo Dal Bosco

I am my future.



Alessio Palladino

Game theory demands the player to adopt an allocentric standpoint. Win-win strategies stem from this and are far more beneficial to the business and its industry, compared to regular (win-lose) strategies. In a highly competitive industry, a win-win strategy does not incite retaliation in other players. Anyhow, if one was to retaliate, being a win-win strategy, it would only be beneficial. These strategies are not regularly pursued, maximizing the number of new opportunities. Allocentrism is also key to fulfilling important business roles, such as value creation in transactions, regulating corporate governance, bargaining throughout negotiations, exploring diversification strategies, gaining a competitive advantage... On a larger scale, allocentrism pushes corporate social responsibility and equity. Creating valuable synergies between companies and their respective communities and environments.



Gessiele  Santos

Knowledge gives you power to make everything you want with the information you have. It's never enough, and provides you many opportunities! It's one of the most important adjective that a person need to have to get something really good in its career.



Norma Edith  González García

If each and every one of us are committed to what we do, we really doing what we touch is something that we would push to do the right thing, to realize that each of us we have to do something for the world to reach be as we imagine, because I think young people today often give little thought to what we do, we settle for fleeting feelings and we do not realize that the future is today, though we refuse what we do now is the way we are training for what we will be tomorrow. Also I firmly believe that this commitment side of responsibility and honesty. To achieve the future we want is really necessary that we commit ourselves and what we do.



Miranda Aguiñaga

To me, justice is the most important value for world's future. With justice, everything stays in necessary balance; the more it strives, more it'll receive. In the future it will be necessary ethic and equity to recognize the rights and responsibilities of each individual, to distribute equitably and rationally the resources that generations will have. At the same time, consider the capabilities and differences of each person’s needs and give each one of them what they deserve. Therefore, justice will always guarantee to society welfare, giving to any being or institution the possibility to have a value that the society consider, to maintain an harmony. Justice is very important in our future on many levels, like family, school, work and the respect for humanity’s dignity. The world can miss anything, but with justice, the world always going to be well.