Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Shady Ebady

You can have passion and integrity which are very crucial for success in the future. However, without dedication none of these values will pay-off. Dedication is the corner stone of success in future.


Continuous Learning

Rohit Arora

As the technology continues to grow exponentially, human involvement in tasks will reduce. In fact, not only the mechanical tasks but also which require intelligence will be replaced by autonomous systems. In this process, we can either let machines do everything for us or we can use them to hone our skills. For example, a self-driven car can be used to go to places while the passengers sit and relax, or to take it a step further, the driver can learn while the car is driving. The autonomous system can improve the driver’s driving skills by assisting decision making and his/her knowledge. This process of continuous learning will help us to not only perform better but also develop and design better systems. The ability to utilize the resources around us to learn and improve, will determine the future winners.


Sustainability for the Future, That You Want Now.

Norman Yan

Sustainability is the key to tomorrow. This is something that all companies that should strive for. Every year millions of tyres are torn in the garbage dumps, these should be collected and remade into newer tyres. Pirelli is one of the leading tyre manufacturers and they should strive to develop tyres that are not only sustainable, but are extremely safe. No point if you make an easily recyclable tyre if offers poor grip and people just end up crashing and totalling their cars, or if the tires have to replaced twice as often as normal tyres and the energy costs end up causing more harm in the long term. Pirelli is also the provider for tyres in F1, if Pirelli can provide competitive ecofriendly tyres at the pinnacle of motorsport, the trickle down to consumer products would soon follow.


Global Love

Mahmoud Yasser

We have to work together. The uniting power of love dissolves barriers . We are all human beings despite the differences in our nationalities , shapes or our religions . We have to accept each other . Love and rejection of war and hatred is our hope to keep the world in peace. If love is our daily behavior I am sure that we will all live in prosperity and peace .



Ahmed El-gamal

Everyone should be updated with the newest techniques in his field to apply it on his work or project. But, before using these techniques on your job we should think out of the box to know the capability of this applications on your work, and that is the role of flexibility. If you have it ,you will own the future


Fight for what you want most

Shereen ghanem

if you don't work hard enough for what you want most you will never get anywhere. you will lag behind and you will regret knowing that you could have done it if you had worked and fought hard for it


No discrimination

Lena Salah

According to my value which emphasis on not having discrimination in our world , because give a look to everything around you are going to find that because of discrimination many people who got qualities that could change the world because of their nationality , country , or other reasons they were disqualified for a position , a job and so on , that means because of discrimination many of us do not get their rights , do not live fairly and get what they deserve , imagine how this world would be if everyone have got the chance they deserve , imagine how diversity could strengthen a company , and a nation , equality is a right each person should get because we never know , who could change the world


Usership, not Ownership - design student perspective on why things don't change faster for the better!

Jakub Jodlowski

I'm a transport (vehicle, car) design student, and I am hugely annoyed at the slow pace of adaptation of new.. not even technologies but ways to do stuff. Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Carbon Fibre, etc. They are old technologies, with clearly superior efficiency yet they are far from mainstream. I think my vision for the future therefor is the notion of usership rather than ownership. We won't have innovation if manufacturers have to design short lasting products just to sell more of them and keep afloat. We have to lease and design for longevity and efficiency! This is where the innovation will come from. From usership orientated design, not ownership driven short termism. Thank you the chance to share this. Jakub


Enjoy your time

Giul Sordi

I think that the biggest hope for the future... is the future! Hope for a better tomorrow, with determination and a smile!


Knowledge is Power

Rishi Gupta

The future will be a world connected through social media and mobile devices that will be able to communicate and share information at the press of a button. It will be a tiny global economy that will allow us to solve complex problems that have plagues us for years, such as finding a cure for cancer. The value for tomorrow will be sharing information for the betterment of mankind one and all. It will be a step towards acceptance and equality for all.


Passion and Success

Hesham Mahmoud

Passion is the key to Success, as without passion, you have nothing. Passion is the fuel that gets you out of bed in the morning, what keeps you going when everything looks impossible, Einstein was not the brightest at School and without passion he would not have become Einstein as we know him. Edison did not surrender from the first trial. They're all nothing without passion. It allows you to be the best you can be, which is all anyone could ever ask. Passion is what I believe will make the future I've dreamed about into a reality. Without pain without sacrifice we would have nothing and I add passion to them.



Sergey Romanenko

From my point of view the future of industrial companies lies on investing in the long term prospective. In order not just to increase the value of a company, but at the same time, maintain social, economical and environmental sustainability. For me personally I can say that I am really value addicted employee, and I would not work at the company which does not have a value under. I am pretty interested and involved in the topic of sustainability (according my last projects), and in terms of automotive industry the picture is pretty clear. Currently, EU market is saturated therefore manufacturers made FDI in China, Russia, etc. However, I strongly believe that establishing obliged life cycle for the cars (for example 5 years) will be a good artificial weapon in order to create demand, save environment and produce work places.