Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Global Responsibility

Ben Goodeve

All for one and one for all! Starvation is everyone's problem. War is everyone's problem. Disease is everyone's problem. We cannot sit back and ignore the world's problems because it is not on our doorstep. Together we will flourish as the countries become continents and continents become the globe!


Keep on with hope

WenRui Zhang

There always exists one thing that connects something together, I call this hope. Hope exists in many aspects and plays an important role in our daily life. We must have hope for it can bring us a lot of things, such as creativity, patience, honesty, generosity, confidence and so on, which are all badly needed in the future. With hope we will have motive power every minute and through which we can gain a lot of happiness. So hope is easy to find, but important to our future.


Back to Nature

Iris Li

When we have innovative technologies, develop economics and explore globalized markets for the future, most consideration is taken on creation, construction and accumulation. However those aims are not what the world is lack of. The world is still facing horrible things: catastrophes, regional wars, gaps and misunderstanding between countries,etc. For us, the future should be not only in addition to the present, but in subtraction to it. I value Back to Nature. Try to be more natural, human-oriented and pragmatic. Get rid of common heavy burdens, bad social and environmental problems so that let the world has more respects and harmonies.


'Green' Approaches

Ece Suner

Limited natural resources of the world require exhibiting behaviors that can keep the environment in the raw and recovering the ecological environment which is injured or extinct by people. Under the current economic conditions in the case of reduced customer confidence, firms obtain competitive advantage only if they act environmentally-conscious. That’s why those may reinforce the image of the firms to implement sustainable production approaches, to reduce or eliminate the effects of production on humans, to minimize the waste products, to increase the recyclability of the products, to develop processes which may provide materials and energy-saving. It may also provide economic development to direct the production from this perspective while respecting the environment.


The value of our efforts

Thaís Santana

My vision of the future is like that of many young: the dream of graduating and winning a promising career, and be recognized for all that effort we are going through. For this, we must always be running after our dreams. Often this is not an easy path we have to do to get our achievements, but is faced with obstacles and victories that we become better people, and has no greater value than proud people around us.


“The oak and the willow”

Angelica A. De Giorgis

In our life and work, we often have to face difficulties which frustrate our plans; however, it’s possible to move around those stumbling blocks by accepting them and going along with the circumstances in order to take advantage of them. According to an old japanese tale, during a terrible snowfall a proud and powerful oak was cut down by the snow’s weight, while a slender willow, thanks to its flexibility, stoopped gently and then, shaking the snow off, rose again unbeaten. The value this ancient fable leave to us is that of being pliable (easy-going) in front of difficulties and hindrances; and, in my opinion, this quality is even more importanti if combined with a great tenacity and willpower.


Keeping ambitions under control and participating in teamwork

Gur Uludag

As the percentage of educated young generation increases day by day around the world, people tend to be more selfish and greedy as many people in some countries have a lot of competition in finding jobs, because of the lack of wider job opportunities. Being selfish and greedy would give nothing but failure and it may also prevent you from building a successful career. In order to be a useful and respected co-worker, one should keep his passions and ambitions under control and should be able to cooperate with his colleagues easily.



Edward Keith

The global human population is increasing at an exponential rate. We live in a world where quantities of raw materials are finite. Efficiency is critical to the future of the world. Any economy functions upon the basic theory of supply and demand. For the foreseeable future demand of nearly every commodity will rise. To fully satisfy this demand, the supply must be handled as efficiently as possible. Inefficient handling of resources will lead to faster consumption. Faster consumptions will lead to depletion of supply. Without a supply there is no economy. Without an economy there is no future. "The men who succeed are the efficient few. They are the few who have the ambition and will power to develop themselves." - Robert Burton.



Ege Barış Budak

Forget about religions and nationalities.What makes us humans is our humanity,so after maybe a hundred years from now on this value will become the most precious thing for people.



Ana Melissa Morales Fuentes

Be waiting for things to happen by themselves is not a way to express what you really are, your essence, beliefs and motivations, your greatest goals. Courage is what makes us believe in ourselves, to fight for our future and let us to defend with our own life why we are in this world, if you are brave you affront your doubts, fears, obstacles, overcome them and you are able to see beyond what your eyes see, you can perceive the world and realize how important you are, how able you are to achieve a significant change in an era that requires courageous people who have the courage to get out of the everyday and allow themselves to innovate in all aspects of the human race. In the future human beings capable,just involved people for improve the whole world.


coming true my dream

Luke  NA

coming true my dream




Before I mentioned that one most important value for the future was time and to direct time.If I can direct the time smartly,it brings lots of precious things.For example a good job,luxury life,valuable friends..Eveything depends on time and how you use it..When you direct it well,you will have good opportunities..