Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Karim Mady

when I think About the FUTURE , the first thing that comes into my mind is how technology going to be so advanced and complicated yet so simple to use and making life easier in so many ways. so this is my idea of the future in the coming decade.



Abdelrahman Mohamed

Our generation has to be convinced that we live in a cyclical pattern of ages: Mediaeval, Renaissance, Humanism,Absolutism , The 2 world wars, Globalization and now it's up to us write a sustainable era.That's it!!


conscience and creativity

Nada Sharawy

conscience and creativity are the leaders to any successful person. conscience will always keep you sincere to your family,friends and in your relationships and work. It will keep you on the right track and will make you avoid the wrong way. creativity keeps you different and makes you shine in your own way ! No creativity,No progression. It will push you to achieve what you want by creating your own way to reach your goal.


Diversity...the way to grow !!

Mariam Bassem

I believe that diversity would be an important value of the future. Diversity is now present in any community and in most of the companies. People come from diverse backgrounds, diverse nations, diverse traditions, values and attitudes and which might not be the same as what we think or what we believe. Only people who can accept diversity are the ones that can develop themselves, see different perspectives, learn from others' esperiences and values and consequently adopt new behaviors and attitudes. Companies also that provide environments embracing diversity are the ones that can learn , grow, innovate in products and services, act smartly and also face the competition by creating different solutions due to the way they encourage diversity. I believe that any company that wishes to witness its success must encourage the value of diversity inside of it.


Giving Back

Mykola Byelov

I like to volunteer on my Free time because too little people give and just expect to get. I learned that being kind to others and giving back will always come back to you.



louis powell

The world faces problems that can no longer simply be thought through. They are too complicated to reason in a darkened room. There needs to be evidence, trail and error, and learning from mistakes. Therefore encouraging experimentation will be vital. Technology is reducing the cost and speed of experimenting and cultures are better understanding the importance of failure in order to succeed. Through these development experimentation will ensure we make the incremental steps needed to create a future brighter than what has gone before.


Doing for others.

Duygu Kocatepe

As humans, the highest thing we can achieve is working to do something for other people, the people who are living in worse conditions that we are. We get lost in daily issues; money, success, career and forget that as the people who have more, we should do something for the ones who have less - no egos, no selfishness. That is the highest we can achieve in life.



Dina Teilab

A country shall not rise without having the sufficient knowledge and no degree of knowledge is good enough as no country shall settle with where it is. It will always thrive for more. I believe that the main source of knowledge is books and I believe in the great value of books. I shall increase my knowledge about books and through books and I shall push others to do the same.


The child part

Silvia Marchesi

Once upon a time...a girl who has to think about the values of her life. A child look at the world with curiosity. He see what is really important to see: colours, shades, textures. Look at everything with a fresh and genuine eye is the secret to love what happens to us, in everyday life and at work. Re-find ourselves through the memory of what we really was, what is our essence, our naif look on the world. Be childish!!


Persistence and Determination

Kareem Iraky

Power of persistence and determination are essential attributes for success in any endeavor.


Energy-the lost treasure

Maryam Mohamed Aboalfa

People and vehicles lose much energy every step ,so let's think of tyres using springs that shrink when the load is on them allowing strong magnets and coils to get closer to each other and then getting far away when the springs expand . this motion can generate electricity which can be stored in capacitors to be used in the vehicle to reduce energy lost .


Helping others as much as possible

Katy Bensen

Competition can be great, but the world is not a zero-sum game. We need a counter balance where people do whatever they can to help others. Like Wesley, we need to "do all the good we can" not for ourselves or those close to us, but for everyone. Many people in our world, in every country, are without good medical attention, education, food, and even just drinking water. Instead of blaming the events or the people who might have caused it, we need to address the causes we can change. We need to administer efficient aid fitting to each place and culture. This is not just for companies to do, but individual “ordinary” people. It can be hard, but it can also be easy and I would like to make it easier.