Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


I don't know

mustafa gugul

I don't know yet, but I hope it will not be the money


Be updated

Giorgia Balzola

We need to face with digital improvements, society's transformations and international exchanges. Be updated is necessary. This means, not only, studying hard but to be curious and enrich everyday your knowledge. With all your tools: travelling, social networking, working, meeting people. The future need international and open-minded people, who are ready to improve and to reconsider their skills. Flexible and updated people means better workers, different ideas and more respect of the other.



Lili Popova

Nothing is possible without drive. Drive is built on self-respect, hard work, and ambition. It is the reason why we always strive to move forward and take risks. It is our drive that allows us to progress past the checkered flags that mark another reached goal. It results in passing others and putting faith in the teams that support us. We must drive to exploit our potential and focus on the next golden cup. With no drive, we would be stuck behind the starting line, left in the dust of others, forever staring at the finish.



Taís Neves

Integrity is not a state of mind that you can choose if you have or not anytime and chance it all the time. But I believe for sure, it's a value that can be learned for everybody and it's something that you will care for always... This value that has been sadly overlooked by many people (regardlees of social status or level of education) it's the value that can change our world. Imagine a world with honesty and ethical people, a place where our children can grow not expecting a better future, but in this future. This is the value I believe for the future.



Aline Magdaleno

Life is a great movie where everyone is the main actor in its history. So many times we act in moments of pure comedy, action and romance, but as fate likes to play tricks, we also need to go through scenes drama that consumes us in suffering and sorrow. However we must remember that there are bad times just to make the good even better. Optimism is the value that the world needs to keep in mind, since difficulties will always exist, but what defines us as winners is how we face the problems head-on and always believing that everything will be resolved in the best way possible. Positive thoughts have power, an incredible proof is Placebo. It is a fact that the obstacles will not simply dissolve the mere positive thinking, but it is already half way to victory.


Copernico's economics

Maddalena Dulio

In my future there is a world where economy consists in the production and in the consumption of a sincere respect towards people, a respect not subject to any shortage-limit. In my future people build enterprises, which are highly specialized in honesty and which work in a market of correctness where competence, seriousness and meritocracy are negotiated. In my future an enterprise development is realized thanks to a reciprocal and disinterested cooperation of its members; no selfish purposes are implied, but the very common sake is aimed at. In my future the humble courage to remember about our humanity and adopt it as the main innovation has defeated capital’s wickedness. A utopian and unlikely vision? This is what Copernico was told, too. And we, who are now living in his future, know how much a utopia can be real.



Liana Bernt

We each play a role in creating the future. Part of that role and responsibility means being an involved person in both your own and the world community. Involvement means caring about the world, and being a part of that future. Decisions are made by people who show up, and while there are millions of people who are indifferent to the world changing around them and the power they hold, the people who remain involved and take part in changing the world are the ones who will have the opportunity to shape it.


Sustainability and companionship are the values for a better future

Caroline Brancalion

Essentially, it’s important to have in mind the sustainability Idea. The human being needs to learn how to live in harmony with the environment, and then contributing for its preservation. The climate changes, water crisis and the pollution are direct consequences of the human intervention in nature, causing a huge environment unbalance and compromising the life’s quality. This drama has been making the humans to start thinking and developing ways to live with this problem and assure that in the future our planet can still gather the minimum conditions to sustain the lives of our children and grandchildren. Another important factor is the companionship, which is one of the pillars of relationship, even in the personal aspect as in the professional one. Mankind isn’t an island, nobody can accomplish deeds by himself.



Ingrid Santana

In our lives our biggest plans for future arise from a seed which lives somewhere inside us. It´s preserved by our dream machine and it´s growing and getting stronger by our actions until one day become a firm tree. However, sometimes the wind is very strong, the rain is devastating and our seed get weak and it's hard to keep our perseverance, to keep acting. When that happens we need to act, but isn´t any action, a desperate action, it´s an action designed, organized to achieve the desired purpose. So, we must nourish our wills, without giving up, even with big obstacles, we must have the wisdom to choose what´s the best way and to keep walking until our plans become reality.


Multiple Identities

Vinícius Contado Scarpa

Humanity walks toward a post-globalized world based on local democracies, deeply rooted in human rights and sustainable development principles. In this more equitable panorama, all kinds of exchange will strongly increase. Today we live in a world that creates millions of ideas every day, tomorrow we will live in a world that finds multidisciplinary solutions for the implementation of these ideas. The key of this changing is a deepening on the cultural diversification process. Multiple identities will allow people to enjoy the benefits of expanding their roles in a particular group to other groups. Multiple identity behaviors will maximize people's capacities by helping them to interact better with the multidisciplinary information of the 21st century. Living and interacting in a dynamic, multifaceted world by using knowledge and worldview from a facet to troubleshoot other. “Which hat to wear?” Multiple hats!


Bravery to change

Karina Pereira

Tomorrow things will change and we will face challenges that we never thought we would have to face. Life will be more easier in some aspects but even harder in others. As human beings we will have to readapt ourselves and if we don't walk with our hearts, minds, and eyes open towards tomorrow we won't be able to see what lies ahead. The power to carry changes as if they are inherent parts of ourselves is a value that only the braves, the pathfinders of life, are able to possess. The bravery to change is as important as the bravery to live; it is the bravery that will promote a better future for those who are yet to come.



Rafael Oliveira Dias

I met this figure in martial arts as a child and carry it with me ever since. It was because of this concept plus a bit of experience that I was able to develop and get where I am. But we are not talking of any perseverance, talked of wanting to innovate, to go beyond the expected, the thirst for knowledge, have perseverance to face any challenge and not give up to achieve our goals, and with that have a clearer steps to give insurance for the future. It was with the choice of this simple but arduous value I started tracing my life. You can also make your choice. This is my way. And that's what I follow.