Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Fady Sameh

is the passport to the future , the present is how much you word hard for it now ..



Patrizia Facchini

"Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it." Imagining the future with.....A SMILE. Not a standoffish or indifferent smile, but a TRUE SMILE, able to inspire courage. " Wanderer, your footsteps are the road, and nothing more; Wanderer, there's no road, the road is made by walking." So keep on walking with YOUR SMILE.



Mayar Elsayed

respect is the key for progress. if only the workers respect their work , presidents respect their peoples and vice versa , the young respects the older or even man respects animal...... sure every thing will be better then.



Omar Yasser

The main reason that makes people get over their problems is hope; Hope that tomorrow will be better than today and that won't be achieved unless we work hard to make that tomorrow come.



AhmeD HegazY

We live in an era where it is encouraged to imitate and adopt others looks and behaviors. We forgot that the essence of creativity and innovation is to be self confident and to have inner peace. These Values are needed to make our future advances towards a greener and better life. Going back to originality flowers these values inside us.


Doing what makes you happy

Mina Abdelshahid

If you are working in a field that satisfies not just your needs but your passion; that's the most important value for me, going out every morning with the appetite to do more cause I love what I am doing.


The Mindset of a Winner

Mohamad Nassar

Winning is all about the mindset of it. If everyone would believe in themselves and their potential to be great and to contribute positively to their society, I believe we would witness the rise of extraordinary talents all over the world. Those talents are hidden deep inside everyone of us, but we have to believe in ourselves to see them come to life.



Mariam Bassem

I believe that flexibility is an important value of the future. Flexibility makes us stronger to face the change and accept new things. We all meet new people who come from different backgrounds than ours and might not think as we think, being flexible is to accept what are others saying and even adopt it if it fits to our beliefs. And in a World that faces change on almost every aspect of the life, we can witness that nothing remains as it is ,and if we resist to change, we can get easily broken, but having flexibility is to accept the change and to reshape ourselves to meet the new demands and circumstances. Flexible individuals are the ones who succeed and companies must also be flexible in order to face the strong competiton and excel among its competitors.



Ankita Shankhdhar

Ambition is the desire to achieve anything but for me to achieve a particular goal. It requires a lot of hard work and determination as well as dedication. It gives one motivation and courage to complete any task in hand and that too successfully. Only the ambition or the drive will allow a person to go all the way to the end and accomplish their motives. It provides a direction and a positive journey that you can head to. It is the joy in the journey that aspires you to achieve more. Only a person with such a quality can provide a better future for everyone.



Lindsay Grain Carter

The core value of the future is intellectual capital. A simple translation means a company’s brain trust encapsulated through knowledge and innovation. Intellectual capital weaves a common thread that permeates an organization in an effort to smartly distinguish itself as a super brand to consumers, suppliers, and competitors. The global reach of ideas fueled by knowledge and power combined with cloud computing technology continues to transform daily living as people utilize products and services in the future. Access and transparency will be eclipsed by the ability of ordinary folks using their personal database of public knowledge. An epiphany of thoughtful ideas will generate new solutions to simple and complex problems of transportation, infrastructure, food, water, housing, entertainment and clean air resources. Children and adults can draw upon a reservoir of intellectual capital to satisfy their needs and fulfill their dreams.


Environment, time, faith

Ipek Osanmaz

Management of environment and natural resources are important for healthy and longer lives. Time-saving enhances the quality of life. Faith makes people happy.



Giorgia Gregoraci

The keyword for the future should be Courage. Courage is the most important element when taking a risk. It is the foundation of every decision. When considering the future, it is the inevitable experience that everyone faces with their complete focus whether short or long term. I would like to use my own experience as an example: I have currently returned from a university business exchange in eastern Canada. Volunteering myself for this was one of the bravest decisions I have made. It involved communicating in a foreign language with people I’d never met and forced me to adapt to Canadian culture, in a four month commitment that proved difficult from the very start. I now value it as the most important experience of my life; however, without courage, the experiences and success, both linguistically and professionally, cannot be achieved.