Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Mohamed Salah

If I am not giving a dedicated effort to whatever large or small task, I am not living up to my potential.


talent and passion

Ramy Hana

If a person is passionate about something that he is talented at, he will excel.



Mohamed ElSayaad

A person who brings joy to everyone around him, who can brighten up the day for depressed, demotivated or sad people he/she meets. Maybe even a person who would hate to see others sad or in a bad mood and would always try to cheer them up, even if he/she would look foolish. A cheerful person is important for so many of his/her friends. To get them through bad times, to motivate them to keep fighting, to show them that even when everything seems bad, wrong and not worth any effort, you will still be able to smile and laugh. That will make you get up with at least a smile...looking at your cheerful friend.



Matteo Magnaricotte

Because it's harder to believe in something that you don't know than having doubts about it. And future needs to be believed in.



Abdelrahman Mohamed

It is with a grateful heart that helps me to see so much abundance in my life. My value of gratitude reminds me that what I have today can be taken away tomorrow.


Respect changes lives

Max Arnaudon

To me the most important thing in the social and professionnal world is the respect. It can change lives. Firstly, it encourages people to stretch. In this way, they can achieve their own objectives and then find happiness. Moreover, it generates a great social environnement, because people are focused on their objectives. So, they would try to help themselves. Thus social ties are improved. Afterwards, people with big achievements turn out to be respected. Respect is earned. Finally, respect is a great thing for everyone in our world, especially today in crisis situation.


The future should be an opportunity for young

Oscar Santoyo

A young world, is synonymous with evolution, of change, of transformation. This would be possible if the opportunities were entrusted to young honest, committed and responsible both to society, the environment and with their own spirit. Generating this a world where we can grow old and seeing new generations, giving them confidence and creating the opportunities that we were given to us at the time of the request. We need to visualize and project what we want because everything is possible, given the tools, knowledge and desire to succeed. Today I invite all young graduates to join our project of life proposed opportunities to excel and propose strategies for better living.



Gio Rizzi

A future of innovation, coopetition and effort.



Nader Al-Rayyes

I value dedication because it is what would make me always motivated and moving on through life and career.


Learning and Development

Gehad Hafez

My vision of the future is to develop new science inventions to help people around the world . If you do not mind I think of science from my dedicated field of study (Electronics) .Electronics is simply the application of electricity and it's usage . Electronics in my point of view is the base science of the new technology starting with computers till satellites . Even in medication many electronic devices are used to cure people from several diseases . To speak generally , in order to make a difference and make our future better , Learning is our key to reach this target . My target now is learning and spreading our knowledge as much as possible to reach a happy luxurious future .



Karim Tarek

One cannot really expect a bright future without being visionary. Setting a vision does not resemble predicting the future, it however is the value of being able to utilize one's sagacity and prudence in setting paths, plans, and alternatives. Vision is the interlinking of various plans and schemes that add up to set a certain path that one would direct his strengths and talents towards. It is the onset of the journey of attaining one's long-term goals and objectives. The absence of vision shall leave us confused and uncertain about our future, it usually yields feelings of loss and unease.



Hannah Sawyer

Curiosity drives the world. It leads us to discover, create, learn, and share new things. It leads us to ask questions such as How did the Earth come to be? and How can we build a building that can withstand a powerful earthquake? These questions eventually turn into actions making our world the rapidly evolving place it is today. Without curiosity life would be rather dull and slow moving.