Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Environment = awareness, attitude and commitment

marlene talamantes

The idea of taking care of The Earth today is in every newspaper that for sure is not a recycled paper, or is in every computer or cellphone...and I'm NOT saying we have to stop making newspaper nor to stop technology, I'm just saying that if we want a future, we have to care about the Environment, AND it is about AWARENESS, ATTITUDE and COMMITMENT, I believe those are the most important values for the future, I mean those apply to enviroment but also to every work, every project; you have to be aware that what you are doing is something good, and not only for you, you have to Believe in your ideas to make it notice, and obviously if you have the awareness and the attitude you'll have the commitment to your idea, your project, your Life.


Working Ethics

Tuğçe  Güntay

Money can be re-earn, firms can be re-establish, but losing someone's trust due to having wrong morals is unrepairable. Innovation and knowledge should always be supported by ethics. That is the real way to success in every aspect of life.



Ersin Erçin

By increasing of complexation, information's quality drops in the every side of the life. For getting not "right" but "true" information, we need to find trustful sources. And with decreasing of value of the money for living, we won't need anything but trust for the future.



Can Erkasap

Water is life basically. Pollution and drought threat the future. All new innovations about industrial production should preserve the nature with most efficient.



meral dost

One day, opportunities offered by the world will end, people will need energy to live.


Switching Point of View

Michele Riva

Switching Point of View means the ability to think as if you were your customer, or your competitor, or even your old father. It means considering a thought even if you don't like it, because only through simulating other people's mind you can fully understand the reasons behind their ideas and objections. In a future which is becoming more global and competitive among very different people this is a key value which allows to find compromises and winning ideas with which the most would agree. It makes possible to discover flaws and aspects you would never be able to find out by yourself alone. It's like a whole heterogeneous team in a single individual.


To be so successful in order to support social programs

Boryana Vladimirova

Everyone wants and can win,but not everyone have the same startposition.In order to be realy happy, the world should be balanced.To be a leader means to help disadvantaged people.



Davide Daccò

A time dependent process that becomes a value once you start to actively be part of it. The old breeds the new until will be replaced from it. Mind turns on mind and the torch of brightness keeps on, burning in everyone of us with the colours of different creativities. Evolution has never stopped, neither in the micro nor in the macroscale. It goes on also without us. But it's our value to take it by hand, to let it follow the path we created and designed for its passage.



Yubing Chen

The future is to give us a chance to progress, constantly improve ourselves, to show self value



Parth Patel

When you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth.



Mario  del Castillo

Most of the people around the globe are fighting all the time, making wars, talking offensively to the others, feeling uncomfortable with themselves, etc. Sadly, most of the people don't know how to control angriness and follow their bad state of mind creating chaos everywhere they go. If each and everyone learn how to control "the fever of power" the world could be a better place to live. I think peace is possible. It is easy: if we respect ourselves, we will learn how to respect the others. Thanks.


Team Work

Athar El Nagger

If we look at the top companies in the world, you will find that what they all have in common is none has been intiated by one person. In order for any company, country, project, etc. to sustain we need people to work together and to communicate with one another. No one single person is able to do everything and anything effectively; that's why we need to work together to sustain our growth and development. Without team work, we will not be able to move ahead.