Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



elzem küçükukur

I think globalization, technology, future, culturel harmonization, natural resource ,ecosystem and recycling are the most important values for more habitable world. I believe , we will grow up with this values without enviroment pollution, bad benefit for companies and unconsciousness. The main of these issues is EDUCATION!


Common Sense

Nazım Güngör

The world is growing and expanding ,Peoples are trying to do better an each day but meantime the world is consumed and polluted without any repair peoples are being selfishand unkind without sorry.However, all we need is common sense over the world and each other if we ask for having rest in a shadow of tree ,we will need a tree and if we ask for having rest in a shadow of common sense ,we will have tree.




The Earth, we live in, is older than we think. And in the future, renewal will be the most significant value. Besides, "green marketing" and "green innovation" will become fundamental matters. It will be a must rather than a choice.


Sincerity !

Norberto Andres Pizzo

This is the value for future, we need to trust people, that people don't lie never more. We must construct a world where people knows who to do, y knows what the others may to do.



Marco Santoni

Substainable future changes and reformes require incentiveness. Everyone who is facing a change, such as reducing his energy waste, or his garbage production should be incentived by doing it, that is, he sould see a personal advantage in taking substainable behaviours.



Marie-Christin Kimme

For me the most important value is a very classical one: trust. It is the basic value for social interaction in private life as well as in the professional life. Trust is strongly connected with other values which offers us access to many resources which can be recognized, advanced and established. Trust offers us the opportunity to let us grow in our respect to each other, courage grows as well as the responsibility towards the things we do and the effects of it towards perople around us. Furthermore with trust it is easier to communicate and make decisions. All in all i appreciate the great resources that trust offers and the great opportunities araising out of it.



Bianca Bollani

What’s the most important value for my future? Courage, bravey. The courage to believe in a dream, to not be afraid of tomorrow, because life is too short for living in mediocrity. Hope to my generation to be brave, to not be afraid in the face of life’s difficulties, but to stand up to them, for being strongest and prove to ourselves that we made it.. the courage to take a risk, to jump into the void, for a moment, an emotion, to run instead walking, to live instead survive. The courage to believe in a better world and do something to be part of it, the courage to assert their rights, but not to stand back in front of duties, the courage to take their responsibility.The courage to go against the mass , to make their voice heard, the courage to love themselves and be loved, but also to hate..the courage to get up every morning with a purpose, and be aware of having done the best, of being the best.. That’s what I wish to my generation, to be brave, more than our fathers but less than our grands, and I wish to myself to become the best I can, to believe in the future..and to be brave!



Murat Sefer

So far, we used almost all the energy sources we have in our hands due to not being aware of the energy efficiency. But through the years of examining and analysing the energy sources that earth gives us, we all acknowledged that the sources have been consumed so brutally that, now, least of the thing we can do is to use what we have wisely. Of course the earth is going to give us new sources, at least, we have to hope it will. But, in the light of recent technologies, we must go outer space and planets to examine what they have to offer. And, on the other hand, we must try to convert the energy goes down the drain into something useful. Energy is the value.



Serhan Ceyhan

Toleration is going to be the property leading us to better tomorrows As the phrase goes, tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is fostered by knowledge, communication, and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. It goes without saying that being tolerant of each other and caring for each other is what makes us human. By having tolerance, we allow individuality and diversity while promoting peace and a civil society. Tolerance and mutual respect are becoming hard-to-reach as time goes by in today's world. Being kind and accepting others, regardless of their race, religion, culture, gender, or economic background is at the heart of every philanthropic act. Every act, even as simple as writing a check to make a donation, should be done with tolerance in mind. Tolerance will be the value that guides younger generations to have better future.



Hathaichanok Thitiyuk

Dare to be different and try to do start the new thing earlier than others



Irmak Aytekin

Health is the most important thing for the future.Health is important because it helps in the attainment of personal ambition and favors personal efficiency.Also it has much to do with happiness and success. As an employee, you should take good care of your health, both in the workplace as well as at home. This will make you feel more energetic and you will be able to carry out both simple as well as strenuous tasks without pushing yourself too hard. When the organization is showing interests in the well-being of its employees, they in turn will also feel more responsible.



Walter Visioli

The most important value for the future is Dynamism. In a world where borders no longer exist, careers are built internationally, friendships are spread out in the planet, study programs are based on meaningful interactions with different people and travels of any sort have a global dimension, an attitude of openness towards the different peculiarities is needed, as well as a curious approach, a dynamic mindset and an "open to novelty" behavior, proper of who aims to be an ambassador of his/her own origins and culture and, at the same time, a witness of change and improvement. Being Dynamic in this sense does not only mean to visit many places around the world or meet people with different backgrounds, but it implies being proactive to discover and get deep insights from cultures seen and met, sharing the same of yours.