Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Manuela Almeida

Management is very important, because you have to manage your life in society, at your work and everywhere. The person who uses this value lives without many obstacles, since she or he is one person that uses the reason, but not forgetting emotion, that makes us humans.



Xiaoya  Zhang

Having been in love with architecture for 3 years,I would say it for sure its the very path I'm bond to take.Being an absolute snob for buildings and urban plannings, each time I met with a strange city, I would joyfully study its map and landmarks to find architects' sparkling ideas beneath it ,still, with unmeasurable passion for painting and music, I even grow into my own style. For now I've got so much training and exercising to think differently, I eventually form the character of being imaginative, realistic, and a small sense of nostalgic ,with which one is no doubt to be influential in the future. Creativity makes the world energetic, so it is and will always be the most significant quality of the world.



Bruno  Vallone

Honesty I think the most important value for an bussiness man is honesty, because this principle is the basis for trust between co-workers, customers and staff. A person with this character, brings confidence and motivation for team. Also I highlight the importance of honest employees to the company's image, a scandal could ruin the entire history of a company. A honest person with certainty is also disciplined, committed, efficient and productive. Overall, being honest won’t just keep you in business. It will keep you happy with your business. And that’s the true definition of success. Honesty is the best policy.



Chantelle Sampat

Perspicacity is an important future value because it is a test of mental perception and understanding. With reference to myself, I have an awareness to keep up and adapt to the changing innovations in the world. Secondly this value means being clear sighted, thus having direction in complex situations. An example of this involves my individual project analysing the airflow over a race car wheel using Computational Fluid Dynamics. The airflow around a wheel is complex and a clear mind is required to draw accurate conclusions. Perspicacity involves eagerness, demonstrated by a willingness to learn. As an engineering student, I am keen to learn beyond my degree and I have started learning the Italian language. By being perspicacious, I have discovered a clear path to the future - it is important for others to discover this too.


A broad attitude towards the outside with a firm belief inner heart

Summer Jiang

World develops with an unpredictable rate where diverse races,cultures,affairs and productions happen or exist. World keeps still as it is yet the humanity who have the power to creat or change. A broad attitude means respect,adaption,adoption or reflection to the exsiting so that we can discover and understand the world better. A firm belief can be an innovator,adventurer or presever etc as when we keep and stick to what we are,we can contribute the most.


Local Communities

Giulia Balzola

“Local Communities” means focusing to change consumer behaviors and embracing new models of "development". Empowering local economies would help alleviate some of the most imminent world problems: oil shortage and climate change. This could happen increasing the production and consumption of local produced food and using decentralized resources of energy, such as biomass and renewable resources. For the first time in history, local communities can create a more sustainable environment and still being open to circulation of ideas, thanks to the Internet. A new model of “local communities” would allow the world to grow and prosper in a more sustainable way, allowing more people to have access to what now we consider the basic elements for and healthy and happy life. In short, it would mean apply a more “European” concept of development, rather than the current “American” individualistic approach.



Andrés Pelcastre

Athletes trains for months even years; they work hard, try, try harder, until they succeed, that’s the kind of commitment that everybody should have to realize their dreams. Someone truly committed can achieve anything, no mater how hard o crazy it seems. I have seen this in my university with my classmates, they come form all over the state, even more, form all over the country, just because they want to graduate form college, and that’s thanks to their persistence and dedication; some of them have won a scholarship to continue their studies, all of this is part of the commitment they have. Everything starts with a dream but commitment makes it real. And its not just with yourself, its with the planet, society, and work; it’s the fact of do things right. Commitment it’s what humans are more needed.


Strong wil and perserverance!

Spencer Feuer

Nothing comes above determination and discipline. for years i had found myself lacking both and ended up nowhere, after realizing what i was missing i added both to my regimen of life and have noticed a dramatic increase of happiness. you must fight for what you want because no one else out there will do it for you.



Isabella Gerevini

High technology is an amazing tool for the modern world, but it has some bad consequences. The human being, a specie used to work and live in group in their primitive way of life, is getting appart from others, because they just do not need their help or their support. It is just an illusion, scientific researches pointed the colletive work as a better final job. The world, full of need is, at the same time, a place with a lot of avances and improvements, but we will only be able to share all the good things if we work together, as a team. That is why I think the cooperation is the most important value for the future.



Jessica Akico

Most of people don't believe they can do something. People can do anything if they believe. Just believe. Study hard, be open to criticism, want to learn more and more, don't have fear of mistakes, don't have fear of life are the essencial package for the human being who desires the future, who is the future. But without believing that it's possible, that it is "let's rock", nothing else matters. Every effort looks like thrown away. We need to believe in ourselves and we need to believe in the people.


Valorization of the Human Capital


What do you value the most? It seems today that technology is the most valuable thing for achieving success. Indeed, it’s a great advance for humanity, but sometimes we forget that technology and innovation come from people just like everything else. To achieve the innovation process, the employee has to be motivated and valued by the company. A corporation must value, enhance and stimulate its employees’ capacity, knowledge and skills and work on their weaknesses. In this way, each employee will be more creative and productive and will feel essential for the company’s development. We should never forget that the company are made by human beings and for human beings.



Rui Costa

People are capable of incredible realizations when working alone. This capacity, however, increases dramatically when people work together. Multicultural visions focusing on a specific problem are more likely to find better and more complete solutions than would be possible with an unilateral vision. Inside this irreversible globalization reality, partnership is the value that permits the efficient and unprejudiced integration of different people who seek a common goal.