Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Ally Madden

Hard work and honest dedication are the two most important building blocks to any success. Whether personal or business success, these two attributes can never fail. I know that as long as I feel I've done my best work and persevered even when the road got tough, that I will feel satisfied with what I have done. The same holds true for a tire company. People want the most honest, hard-working company that they can rely on to service them. As the golden rule proclaims "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". So to is the reverse true.



Emel Yildirim

Purpose makes us human and gives living energy that to make the world better.


Passion and satisfaction

Alessio Iardoni

I think that is important to have passion and attention for what you do. For me the best value is passion in first place and have a staff around you that makes you feel satisfied, because this is the best way for make the best. I hope to find a work-place like this in my future.



Anna Catharina Merz

If you do not believe in yourself, how should others take in you in value? first step of everything: you can do it!



Marco Alejandro  Arellano Treto

Love for all you do, is have certainty and confidence in everything you do, so following your ideals and dreams. Helping to improve the environment by putting your energy completely available. A world working with the image of doing things right, progressing economically. Caring for the environment and look after ourselves. Continue to build a way to communicate and demonstrate concerns for sustainable development. The things that are done with energy have had excellent way in humanity. Don't love what you do, because you haven't interested in knowing it.



Paul Renshaw

Particularly helping young people understand and value the truth about the way the world and the universe works.



Zehra Ali Khan

By empowering the coming generations (including my own) with the tools of knowledge and resources of the mind, we can tackle major issues such as enviornment degredation, human rights violations, health epidemics (such as cancer and aids). Above all, through education, we can reform the future of this world -- politically and economically. Education will open minds, hearts and souls whereby human beings can conquer their deepest fears; espectially those embedded within religious fundamentalism and extremism. I strongly believe that the future of this world rests within the hopes and dreams of the educated masses -- no longer will higher education be an elite insitution whereby the rich keep getting richer but infact it will be a tool to transform the world into an intellectual bubble whereby every man and every woman is indebted to preserving this world of ours.



Olivier Grange

Without the capacity of doing things properly, the best ideas are useless.



Abdelrahman Mohamed

If you are really obsessed with an idea or a field of work or research for example , you will do your " Best " to achieve it knowing that this "Best" has no limits as long as it involves passion and obsession.



Francesco Brandonisio

thinking the tomorrow could be better should be written in everyone's mind. it's not just optimism: or better it is, but it's also ambition, dream, selfconfidence. It's fight for your dreams



Tarek Mostafa

Many plans and projects came to an end as they were lack of insistence from their doers, many governments fail in satisfying their people's need as they didn't have the insistence to fulfill their needs. In my field of study it is concerned with control systems and automation control which is related somehow to Pirelli's area of work, i learnt that this science has no end and to say that i had reached what i want and this is the best is not right because there is always something better especially with the high rate speed of new technologies, so in my opinion the companies should increase the insistence spirit in the employees to achieve what is better and this make them always update their knowledge with the newest techniques.



Pierpaolo Foltz

I believe that our most important value should be the future. Why future is a value itself? Because we need to dream, we need to hope, we need to imagine, we need to have faith in something. And we can't do all these things, if we don't build a future.