Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Hope and Trust.

Adriana Fantini

We can't move forward being afraid of the future. We must hope and trust in it apart from any kind of future we are imaging.



Andrea Cervellin

If you want to imagine the future, you need a perspective!


Persistence: Never Give Up!

Aditya Fakhri Yahya

Success doesn’t come by itself. It can be achieved through a long and hard effort. It doesn’t always happen in the first occasion. Sometimes we fail to deliver; sometimes we can’t make it through. But we learn from mistakes, and we want to make things better. The persistence ones do not afraid of failure. They know the risk, the challenge, and what they would sacrifice; while they also know what they would get. They would push harder than ever because they believed, things would get better when they took responsibility well, when they had the job done. History provides us with massive amount of example. If Thomas Edison were given up experimenting, we might be still living in the darkness. We have to believe in ourselves because our future won’t get any better if we were given up eventually.



Luigia Matoaka

If I imagine the future, the not foreseeable future, the one that my grandsons and grandaughters will create, I hope solidarity will be at the base of their society, making it worthy of the adjective "civilised". How many times have we wished we could find a remedy to poverty and famine in the underdeveloped countries? But then we ignore our fellow countrymen in need for help. Could be the old widow whose pension is not enough to pay for expensive cures, or could be a family man who recently lost his job and can't make it through the month. To the generations to come I wish the genuine solidarity, the one that grows in the pure hearts of those who help just for the sake of it, without expecting nothing in return.


Let the past be past

Yeareen Yun

Although we live in the present, too often we let our past affect us. Conflicts arise over history. It hurts.. it hurts badly if someone wronged you. You suffer. But I would like to imagine a future where forgiveness is highly valued. For I learned, without forgiveness, you can never move on from your pain. Let the past be just that... the past. Acknowledge your hurt, tend to your wound, but have the courage and love to forgive whoever or whatever that hurt you. And move on. Be free and let's work to build a better tomorrow.


Great visions

Davide Bellino

The complex challenges we face in the interdependent fast-moving world of our time need minds willing to go beyond the contingent nature of the “present” for shaping a future conscious of the dynamics underlying transformative forces, including economic, environmental, societal and technological seismic shifts. Awareness of risks and the increasing complexity of challenges for businesses is a key point for transforming complexity in opportunities, and in shaping a valuable and sustainable future; in short, conceiving great visions. Being visionary is a value to be preserved, it is a way of modeling innovation, it is creativity, and finally, it is the ambition to trust in the changes everyone expects from life. Visions are those gears that move history in new directions.


Hard Work

Samuel Tarek

I believe that there is no genius people , but there is Hardworkers........... All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today . That does not mean to choose the difficult mettods to solve your problems but Try to work hard and rely on yourself . "There is no substitute for hard work".... Thomas A. Edison



Francesca Venturelli

I intend the coherence as honesty toward the others: to appear to the others without masks. Homogeneity of behavior at home, honesty with friends and concrete and linear appointment in social and political sphere.



Mila Devenport

Empathy. Seeing myself reflected through another fuses my well being, success and failure to theirs. What I once called “mine” and “yours” becomes “ours”. I don’t discard people, because I empathize with their humanity; nor material goods, because I empathize with their transitions between forms and regeneration; nor ideas, because I empathize with their changeability and perpetual potential. Empathy is extended towards all entities, not simply mankind. I come to perceive collective responsibility, communicative exchange, and creative chances. Empathy allows me to share my skills and thoughts with others without a price tag- not unconditional love, but acknowledged relation. When we empathize, we put our best qualities forth in conjunction with those of others to produce the best possible results: results that will continue to resonate because they are not merely good for me, or for you- but for US.


Dreaming and an Inspiration

Anna Rzhevkina

Nowadays, when rationality and pragmatic approach are key factors for success, when thoughts are more important than feelings, there is SUCH A little space for a dream. However, I believe that a dream is a real source of passion and excitement. It makes a day meaningful and helps to overcome difficulties. I am sure that dreaming is a way to be happier. This is why, while working in marketing, I would like to create a dream for people. It could be a dream about a place, a person, an event; anything that makes smiles and gives warm feelings. It may come true and may not. The most important is a process of dreaming which brings bright emotions and hope. Thus, my value is to be inspired and to inspire others by dreaming.


Hungry Mind

Chiara Cespi Polisiani

I know that is not a real value. I think that Hungry mind is a STATUS. We need to be hungry of Life, of Ideas, of Future. We have to know the importance of curiosity... ALWAYS!


"Chimical" innovation

Matteo  D'Angiolella

i am an italian mechanical engeneering student, but i think that in the future the most important think was researching new materials and combine atoms! so we need of "chimical" innovation!