Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Love. In every aspect.

Barbara Bock

I'm not only talking about loving another person, loving your family, loving friends. I am also talking about being passionate about something, about loving the challenge, loving the experience, loving the (seemingly) impossible. Love creates passion and passion creates innovation. Love makes you strong and gives you courage, because Love is positive. Love is invigorating. Love is powerful. Love is passion. Love is contradiction. Love is everything. Love is life.



Reem Hodroj

Failure is the chance to start over more brightly. Try, try, and try till we achieve what we believe in! To be innovative, one must be optimistic, have faith and lose fear of being mistaken.



Aynour Tatanaki

Harmony is the key value of our future. Whether it is placed in a social, cultural, even industrial context, it will eventually lead aid people to learn to accept, communicate, and respect each other despite their ethnic or cultural differences; sharing cultural, economic, and even industrial benefits can be peacefully done by Communicating in harmony. Furthermore, harmony means a mutual balanced flow of communication that will lead industries, engineers, and investors to work a balance between the environment and production. This means to harmonize our nearly extinct environment to keep up with advancement technology & Production without sabotage of nature’s equilibrium. Finally if we look around us everything is designed in harmony, even in how nature is designed and reliant to each other, this designed flow we cannot change; they create the harmony and balance of our future universe.



Karim Tarek

Faith is when you see your success and prosperity flashing before your eyes when you still have not attained them yet. It is how you view the implementation of your dreams in the real life and stay eager to achieve them and more. Without faith, dreams would mean nothing. Without faith, our future would be futile.


Clean, fun and safe mobility.

Ward Vrancken

I hope we can still drive cars comfortably to the edge of the world as we know today, without compromising the earth. I hope we can still enjoy driving.


Informal organization and socialization: new values to share.

Alberto Ciaralla

Common people think that famous companies mainly base their success on the innovation of their product. This is a true but also a superficial thinking because it is necessary to focus what is behind every single output of a company. Not considering factor like marketing communication,R&S, know-how and similar, i think that a very important aspect which can create value in the company and in its specific environment is an innovative concept of organization. An organization which involves "socialization" (the process by which every individual learn and internalize unwritten rules), which is not highly centralized but able to maintain control thanks to a wise use of the span of this. This ideal organization is able to remove the typical problems of bureaucracy, which was born to empower people but now is cause of delays in decision-making.



Mohamed El Safty

I consider that justice is the only hope that is left for us for a better future. Every nations must to put in its own priority that without justice none of us can live and without justice there will be no future.


Eau Rouge

Rachitta Dua

An area with lush green lawns till as far as the eye can see. Running around in a field surrounded by tall trees. Hearing the birds chirping amongst the rattling of leaves. Watching gazelles play amidst the forests in the hills. A world where a new mother looks out of her window and isn't scared of the world her child would get to grow in. I once read, "We have not inherited this planet from our ancestors, we have borrowed it from our children." then why not try and return it in the same state. Present is the most precious moment but tomorrow is the most 'valuable' one.


Strong will

Nadine Osman

A strong will won't only be the desire to reach your goals. But it will give you a push to determine your objectives, see how you can reach them and give you the determination to do whatever it takes to accomplish them. My will is to take my thoughts and transform them into something big and successful. I believe in "think locally, act globally".


The DIALOG between cultures

Ellen AgataStone

No civilization has the right to deny to other cultures the possibility to take part in the history of human civilization. The world is the result of a complicated process, where the role of stronger people drive the fate of humanity. There are cultures, which probably without the support of the stronger couldn't be able to be who they are today, but this process was obtained throughout a real dialogue, respecting firstly the values of all the cultures ? The civil society has just demonstrated how to support the challenge with dynamic changes, but the humanity is still waiting to see the ability of people to avoid to destroy values and costumers of each cultures. These are the pieces, that constitute the big puzzle of our universe: we should communicate and support each others, also in the concret !


Peopole Interconnection Resilience Engagement Loyalty Learn International

Federica Dominus

People: the most important key value proposition for a company Interconnection: join together to share ideas, strategies and difficulties Resilience: ability to become strong or successful again after a difficult situation or event Engagement: be always involved with people and company to understand the values Loyalty: feeling of support threats Learn: gain and share knowledge International: prospective and vision for the future all over the world


Sustainable Innovation

Lorenzo Girardi

Innovation will be the key of success for the future. In a context of scarce resources and environmental issues, who will have the courage to think outside the box in order to meet the new dynamic needs will be able to secure a competitive advantage over its direct competitors. On the other hand, as we are already seeing nowadays, companies that fail to pursue a culture that values sustainable ​​innovation are quickly slipping into ruin.