Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too. as a team

Lucy Cash

Solidarity is working together, work as a one person, recognize that we are all equal and that we must find a balance and with this achieve a goal that benefits us all (the common good), is better living in a world in which we are united instead of looking for excuses to start wars and discussions. we must value the consequences of our actions and this is achieved not only between humans looking ​​values such as cooperation, tolerance, sincerity or partnership, we must find that same balance with nature together also because without it we wouldn't have the resources that we need for something as basic as living,



Sara Akil

Innovativeness is a concept that is likely to affect our future and which we can apply nowadays in any field and any part of our lives. It has to do with Novelty, Change, Originality, Creativeness, Imagination, Daring & Brilliance !



Piyush Raj

Responsibility makes the country strong and a strong country has always a history which makes a strong story and a strong story always is responsible for the betterment and good future of the country and as well as the work place.


Smart technologies

Francesco  Morittu

In my opinion smart technologies are the keys through which we'll control and organize most of the time of our lifes. For Example we'll be able to work, interface with people and make everything by simple applications in every part of the world.


I want to use only sustainable energy!

Andrei Bulgaru

I want to use my tehnical background and in all my work,I want to embed the following principles: optimise processes so that they are energy efficient,low cost and use only sustainable energy! I want to live in a hightech,green world and I believe that everyone of us must be the change that we want to see in the world! That's what future is all about,cutting costs and energy loses and optimization!


Positive and optimistic attitude toward life

Jiajie Zhang

My favorite film is The Patriots. In this film, there is a picture deeply engraved in my mind: As American military fled under the attack of British army, Captain Martin held a flag and marched forward. There were holes of bullets and blood of soldiers on it. However, its red color brightened under the golden sunlight, and soldiers were held back by Martin and fought again… I am deep impressed and keep thinking: Had American people, who live in the world’s strongest country, ever thought that their national flag had been on the verge of breaking? Watching The Patriots, I ask myself: what kind of life is ideal? Perhaps, Martin is not a famous person. His name will not be written into history textbook like General Washington. However, when he saw, if possible, the country he devoted his life to is going to be a rising land of freedom in the world, what would he feel then? In my eyes, those who can smile with satisfaction when reviewing their life courses are richer than any millionaire. Perhaps I do not have the noble spirit like those patriots, but I still think that there is something beyond Ferrari and a mansion. No matter how tough the life is and what difficulty we need to face in our life, we should hold a positive and optimistic attitude toward the life, which I think should be the most important value in the future for our young people.



Claudia (Cheong Ah) Kim

Believing in your potential, believing in your decisions and believing that your heart will lead you where you belong. So many young people including myself have lost the connection between the mind and heart. Financial barriers, the status quo and other torments stop us from believing. Believing that the world has a better future, believing that I can be part of that change and believing I can do it. To believe in my heart and that it knows best is the hardest truth to believe in. Finding out that I don't need wealth and prestige is liberating but scary at the same time. The pressure of society and the status quo are unraveling. I look to my heart and ask "What do you believe in?"


Provoking Untouched Abilities

Abdallah El-Zanaty

Each and everyone of us has something special, something this very person is good at. Were just waiting for the right time, place and person to bring such talent/ability to life. A great working environment is one which would build and invest on these abilities, making them of great use to the person, the organization and the community.


Commit new mistakes

Mirco Morico

Learn from the past and have the strength to take a chance


Our Needs with Others Needs..

Berardo Manzi

We can go far combining our dreams, our movements and our mind with others dreams, others movements and others mind. Our-Others is the way!



Roberta Zambuco

For me future meanings loyalty. What is the meaning of this word for me and why it's so important for tomorrow? Because I think it is at the base of every pure realtionship but despite that there isn't so much of this in the world. I hope in the future will be much because I already think that avidity, a sort of feeling in contrast with loyalty (maybe the opposite of that), as history of the two World wars or the recent economic crisis has teached us, it's one of the reasons of the most horrible think in the world could exist and it is caused by human behaviour. In the worst think in the world there is not only wars, caresty, Third World (etc..) but life is already made by day bay day relationship in which many time people don't help each other.



Chloé Hamon

I think the most important value remains responsibility because it's necesarry to take care of the environment and we have to be aware about that today and overall in the future. Moreover, safety and reliabilty and of course success can contribute to our future. Indeed, it's an important way to climb up the social ladder.