Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Renato Baccaro

Loyalty! Wear the company and always do the best! The search for professionals seeking innovative ways through intelligent solutions.



Luciana Aguillar

The most important value for our future is Education. I believe that to have a better future we need to improve the education in all levels to have a good employers,adults with social awareness in the future. Moreover, to find mechanism that arouses their ability in humans, their values. As this way we’ll have people full,happy and conscious, this kind of people won't destroy their environment and will give value to the world which they live in. With the improvement of the government, they’ll revert everything is paid to state into property and services that will result in a better condition of life. Furthermore, at the same time, the government will provide all support to scientific researches for lowering the number of diseases, increasing life expectancy and not to have anymore people with lack of of knowledge, hungry and sick.



Marília Bagnato

I'm the type of person who engages fully with all projects of my life. For me, commitment is never too much, because if I couldn't reach the expected success, I can learn from my mistakes to don't do it again.


Push the Envelope!

bruno carletti

Try to do always your best in every thing positively, and believe in what you do.
For a right world where things made through legal means can raise the honesty of our intentions



Gianmarco Gasperini

Evolution has always been our weapon to raise ourselves in the world and take over it. The arrogance of being "evolved" makes us feel allowed to abuse everything around us, including our own species, and not to think about consequences. But evolution is not a mechanism which reached its top, the present situation can and must only grow to another phase. A phase of coexistence and tolerance, a phase of self-improvement and awareness, a phase of commitment and respect towards the planet we live in and all its inhabitants.


Be updated

Giorgia Balzola

We need to face with digital improvements, society's changes and intarnational exchanges, day by day. It means not only new knowledge but flexibility, open-mindeness and perspicacity.



Harsh Singh

Everyone has the will only some find the way, we just need to do it in a wrap of time. BE IMAGINATIVE, BE FOCUSED.


Humanistic Entrepreneurship

Angelo Min Tagliabue

Our times have proven that we have to rethink our values to achieve a fairer society with more opportunities for everyone, and the present crisis is the right chance to hope and plan for a brighter future. This future lies not in the quest for “wealth” but in fulfilling what it really means to be human: upholding dignity, justice and freedom above everything else. So a man-centered and humanistic approach to business and entrepreneurship is not just an option anymore, but is the only viable way to a sustainable future: everybody has to become an agent of fair progress, an active entrepreneur in his everyday life with an holistic view on our globalized world that now more than ever is hungry for change.


'Green' Approaches

Ece Suner

Limited natural resources of the world require exhibiting behaviors that can keep the environment in the raw and recovering the ecological environment which is injured or extinct by people. Under the current economic conditions in the case of reduced customer confidence, firms obtain competitive advantage only if they act environmentally-conscious. That’s why those may reinforce the image of the firms to implement sustainable production approaches, to reduce or eliminate the effects of production on humans, to minimize the waste products, to increase the recyclability of the products, to develop processes which may provide materials and energy-saving. It may also provide economic development to direct the production from this perspective while respecting the environment.


Believe in yourself can make MIRACLES, believe in yourself is your own life PULSE

Menna Tullah Seraj Eldin

To unleash our buried potential that we may even don’t know ABOUT,to be different,make difference and make our voice heard out LOUD,to achieve success and acquire achievements more than you can COUNT. you need your own renewable energy that doesn't DIE,that give you the power to try and TRY,to have no limits and reach the SKY. Faith is the secret. Put all your negative feelings and thoughts that hold you back in a CASE,throw it away and start believe in yourself and have faith to win the life RACE. Then nothing can stop you everything can be DONE,cause the one who held you back now is GONE,what can stop you now?nothing,no-ONE,so go ahead race the life, race yourself, and to your dreams RUN. Believe in your self can make MIRACLES, believe in yourself is your own life PULSE


Commitment and Loyalty

Bruno Rinaldi

My vision is growth and commitment to my future and that tomorrow I can make a career gaining new knowledge and a great future and a great achievement respect.



Francine de Paula

I wish my future and the all us, with more opportunities and no more dreams no realized. I want so much to be graduate and have a chance to show my work, my profissional side inside a good company. Achieve my goals, get my ideals, it's a little dream, one part of my future that I want to win. And responsibility, it is a round of all them.