Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Liana Bernt

Every individual on this planet has a point of view, and something to contribute to this world. Even as the world becomes more connected and closer together to create a global community, the individual becomes more apparent and shines more brightly. As we ride a wave of innovation and technology through the 21st century, we must remember that while we are creating a future for ourselves and our children, we are also a part of the present, and we each have our role in imagining and building the future. Each and every one of us.



Augusto Perim

Well, nowadays young people are forgetting what is important to grow up as a person and as a professional. Confidence is everything to everyone! If we trust in ourselves, we are able to do what we want, we are able to create, innovate, develop and make our dreams come true. Being confident can help us to achieve the impossible. In the future, the companies will need employees that can be creatives, leaders, dedicated and employees that know how to work in teams. Confidence is the key for the success.


Moral Integrity

Iolanda Bianchi

What does having moral integrity means? It means having a character with good qualities, as honor, justice and ethics. People with this trait are unable to deceive or harm others, and when they have to do an activity, they always do their best, because this kind of person knows that a service made poorly can generate bad consequences to other people. That's what the world needs. That's what a company needs: reliable professionals, that are committed not only with the company but also with their own consciences.


The world we want to live and see

Nathalia Oliveira

That is not necessary to impose respect on nations and their different cultures, that such respect is natural between people and their political and religious choices. That respect with nature every day is past for future generations and that the search for sustainability becomes a routine not an obligation. That every human being is entitled to life, liberty, food and housing. That technology can unite what separates geography. What we do not lose my breath to dream, that hope remains alive in our hearts.



Glaucia Martos de Carvalho

Creativity is the fuel for everything that has been built by man. From the simple to the complex, from the obvious to the controversial. When we were kids, the world offered endless possibilities and there were no limits to our imagination. As we grow up, however, paradigms silence our dreams and extinguish our spark, as if there was only one way to go. We need more people with the light of creativity within their hearts and persist in their dream of building a better, different world. People who see in the improbable a possibility, and can correct the mistakes of our ancestors, putting together sustainability, performance, and economy to adapt to the new reality of the earth. It’s the new blood that will drive the great march of humanity.


Make sustainable practices an habit.

Andreas Madau DE Valeriano Neto

From the moment that people wake up to the moment people sleep, from the moment that "the machines" starts to run until its turned off and from the moment that an entire chain starts its operations , the best sustainable practices derived from good sense, good management and technological innovation simply have to become part of our daily. The keywords to make this a reality , the education, ongoing dialogue, research, energy, natural resources and climatic changes are the main issues to be considered and improved , with the hope that this "normalization" changes the lives of all beings present in this wonderful planet.



Leandro Teciano

Initiative. I believe that the initiative is a key to success in every moment of your life. You need to have the initiative to get a good job, to study the course that will define his career, meet and communicate with people and when you have to decide things. It's having the courage to go after everything that will make you happy in life!



Beatriz Cruz

There is no individual performance. Before all that which determined your decision making there is a lifetime of learning with whoever or whatever it is that went through you and changed your way of thinking and acting in some way. No swimmer swims alone. tide determines the direction of the swimmer and who will arrive first. Behind your results there is an entire support and an entire team whose made you get on the top.



Beatriz Cruz

Being in an appointment with your doctor or choosing a shoe suitable for your morning run; right under the shower or when making an emergency call, whether in your own work or choosing the food you want to eat - before most of these routine activities anyone can be right in front of new technological advances. Innovation adds value. Innovation creates competitive advantages for the company. Innovation allows access to new markets and new partnerships. Allows the world go along with the speed at which it changes. An important element for the company to be successful as in which innovation is the focus: knowing how to say "no" to what will not be useful. Not expending energy on cases that do not suit to the company goals. Innovate to update. Change the focus to the world to change.



Beatriz Cruz

Action, not reaction! Yesterday your client asked you something, today you will produce it and tomorrow it is already too late: there's something new and more competitive on the market. So the value is: do not wait your client ask something for you. Always arrive first to surprise your clients in order to get recognized by excellence and be accepted easier.


The search for bright future

Marco Villas Bôas

With interest in improving my experience, I have to say that it is very important to the search for knowledge, wisdom. Thus, with the opportunity that Pirelli gives us, it becomes easier to talk about values​​, even if they are our own values​​. I am a person who always seeks the best for me and what is around me. We know that we do not change the world alone. But with every human being doing their part, life can become better for everyone. And that's why I'm here to talk about my values, which are the pursuit of knowledge, interest in maintaining interpersonal relationships and the principal, who is working to thrive, gaining experience, to then pass that experience to the younger ones.



Rafael Fernandes Ayres Fonseca

The future world will be increasingly competitive, with high demand for technological innovations and sustainable use of natural resources. When people require these things, they have in mind increase of quality of life. However, what we often have is the technology as an enemy of society, while generating unemployment, caused by the replacement of human by machines, the pressure on people and organizations for constant learning how to handle new technologies. What has been happening is available technology not used in its maximum potential. Thus, in the future businesses and society will have the challenge of being able to exploit the maximum of available technology with equilibrium, towards to improve quality of life, giving people more time to enjoy their families, as well as increase life expectancy. The value of the future will be equilibrium: professional, social and technological.