Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.



Bianca Fontes

To be highlighted, you don't need to be individualistic, in fact, you need to know how to motivate your team e recognize the growth that relationships provide us. I'm always encouraging my coworkers to grow,for that, I have to be strong enough, above this, I must encourage myself face the challenges that I have, not giving them up, taking the risks and seeing the possibilities that they present.



Federico  Galbiati

In a difficult moment of recession, is important to think positive and to communicate it to the market. The goal for future generation is to achieve important result and bring all the opportunities. Is important to invest in new countries and economies where more value can be created. New kind of value should be created for everyone, reaching the top in a brilliant way. Future is not grey, nor black. Is white, waiting for my mark.



Ivan Estevam

I value the knowledge because it's the support to new ideas and better future.



Srinivas Kodali

The key to unlock future holds with co-creation. Co-creation generates value for both society and firm. It increases productivity, interaction through connectivity and innovation. Co-creation is the future for innovation and growth.


“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing”

Angelica A. De Giorgis

I’m strongly convinced that, in private as in professional life, it’s essential not to be satisfied. Ever. Improving, discovering, overcoming difficulties through alternative ways is always possible; as though we are involved in an enternal challenge to our limits, we must aim for an always higher objective (obviously, taking into consideration our actual resources). In order to do that, the fundamental ingredients are enthusiasm and passion, which have to be protected: who mantains a childlike view of reality (even though it’s tempered by experience), he is still able to wonder and create; and it’s in him the source of innovation, which is the agent of development in every field.


“Fraternité e leadership”

Angelica A. De Giorgis

The adage says: “If you can’t beat them, join them”; and there’s no lesson more important than this latter nowadays, when globalization makes all us involved inevitably in a relationship network. Often relations evolve in hostility or competition. E.g. in the business field. In order to achieve our own aims in the most efficient way, it’s always better to avoid confronting directly; indeed, drawing up strategic alliances and assuring honest partners are the best ways to take under control potential threats. NO to opposition, YES to persuasiveness: “winning without ever fighting” (quotation from The art of war of Sun tzu) is the best way to behave. The key to manage in doing that is charisma; even in relationships with more powerful subjects, leadership allows to conquer and seduce them, avoiding either the collision or the submission to disadvantageous conditions.



Kasandra Biedul

Tranquility is the most important value for the future of the world. For example, mass shootings become the center of constant media attention, and those who suffer are not left in peace to grieve on a personal level. It’s appropriate to say that media has been acting in inhumane ways. Tranquility in conversations between world leaders can make a difference for the future as well as tranquility in our innovations. Common sense is slowly becoming obsolete as people are too involved in things that are often elusive, like fame. The society as a whole would appreciate more those who pursue fame if they would also show their human, thoughtful side. Tranquility is important for the future, because it makes people think things through; it makes them think before they act, avoiding unnecessary damage that can be both physical and mental.


Understanding and hope For mankind

Will Tessina

I Value unity, And strength in ones Will, I value humanity's Power and compassion. and i Value balance and ones soul.



Edward Keith

If I knew what the future holds I would be able to write my visions concisely. As I do not, I cannot. Our history tells us that nothing is certain, uncertainty therefore is the only guarantee. We must look at our history to learn how to adapt for our future. In order to deal with the inevitability of uncertainty we must be make ourselves as adaptable as possible. Adaptability holds the key to future success. “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. “ - George Santayana


Bringing the Past into the Future

Massimo  Piacentini

Our future is our past. The only way to build a better future is to rediscover the values of the past, such as the spirit of sacrifice, humility and respect for others. The many conveniences and innovations that we have available today should not blind us to the values of our parents and grandparents, values which have enabled these achievements and that are the basis for the future society. In this sense, it is essential to know our roots; but be careful, do not speak of a melancholy and nostalgic memory, but a past to bring into the future. Only through knowledge of the past and the rediscovery of its values is possible a good future.



Harsh Singh

We just need to take the first step in faith, doesn’t necessary to see the whole staircase, people who think they can do things they are really remarkable. Inside ourselves we have always a place where we are alone and this is the chance where we can really tighten and loosen up the strings of mind and stretched it to the new dimensions. We don’t need to afraid to do new beginning because we will never win if we never begin.



octavio  gonzalez

In not so far future the most important value That will exist in this world will be water because thanks to Water life is created and maintained in this earth, and even though Efforts have been made by science to preserve it, Reuse it, and even to reinvent it; this would be useless if we don´t Take care of it starting now, because how could the Crop fields grow and give crops? Or how could People living in the city survive without a drop of water?, even with Technology that makes our lives easier, there wouldn´t be a single thing This valeu, prevent diseases, and optimize all the resources that Mother Nature provides. In other words, our quality of life would change radically if we had a shortage of our precious H2O.