Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Actions of Conscience

Lívia Monteiro

As we live in a world full of problems, as poverty, hungry, polution, we need every human being to be conscious about our planet, people and enviroment's situation. Knowing this, people are able to start taking actions, like those explored by NGO's, which can help decreasing the number of homeless, hungry and poor people around the world; support the protection of forests, lakes, seas, rivers, biomas, fauna e flora. Although making much to help is hard in the day-to-day, even the little actions of conscious are important, as taking the trash on the trash and not on the streets or visiting institutions which take care of homeless child. Is a very importante value to have action and consciente, so that we can live in a healthier world for us and for the next generations as well.



Alisson Coutinho

In fact, civilization needs evolve technologically, however one of the major problems is the lack of honesty, for some there is the need to always take advantage of any situation, not that it is wrong to take advantage, however anything that harms others or illicit. So I think the future for honesty and ethics are the most important bases.


Platinum Rule

Giulia Balzola

The “Platinum Rule” is a concept introduced for the first time by Dr. Tony Alessandra in the mid-nineties, and it states: “Treat others as they wish to be treated.” The Platinum rule represents a new step to develop mutual respect. We move from the Golden Rule of “treat others as you want to be treated” to a new level: embracing and recognizing the differences of people. Recognizing and respecting the differences of every individual will help to create more productive business environment, a more inclusive society and a better world in general. Learning how to respect others is the first step to eliminate all the form of discriminations that still exist everywhere around the world, including but not limited to gender, age, religion, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation and personal backgrounds.


Truly Sensitive

Leandro Capanema

When I was younger I remember to be with my family watching TV during the dinner. Some real people´s histories used to bring tears to my mom and I. Usually that happened with tough but successfull stories; they were other people´s tears. I remember that I used to feel embarassed of that reaction ahead of my brother and dad. Some years passed and we still have the same reactions, but now I realize that this is something very special that I´ve Inherited from my mom: the ability to feel other people´s emotions. I feel blessed for it and caught myself imagining if everyone could really truly understand what is going on, trough other´s emotions, the World certainly would be a better place for all, in all aspects.


The ability of the impossible

Ramy Kila

I think the most important value is to know impossibles are doable, it is only impossible with the means you tried. but it is possible with other means. who would think that from simple strings a human will be able to play the guitar with such speed and such a perfect tune. I don't think that when human discovered that they can use iron they through about sky scrapers. every thing is possible you just have to find the right way to do it and sometimes it seems very hard but to achieve it, you need a long line to try-and-errors and passed knowledge. that's how we achieved things over millions of years; the only difference is that now we think, because of all of this technological advancements, if something is impossible, then it is.



Larissa Conceição

Sustainability is important to making sure that we have and will continue to have, the water, materials, and resources to protect human health and our environment. In the future, this subject will be more important than today. All companies in the world should has a no negative impact on the global or local environment, society, community or economy. A sustainable business is any organization that participates in environmentally friendly or green activities to ensure that all processes, products, and manufacturing activities are adequately with the environmental, without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.


Live the Differences

Juliana Monteiro

In our ever-changing world, people are learning to respect not only our environment, damaged by years and years of irresponsible use of our natural resources, but also to respect different cultures, religions, beliefs and options. In the future, it will be the time to start learning from these differences, because they may help us grow and become stronger and wiser. Also, they add value to our lifes, changing us for better. An open mind ready to learn from the differences is what I want to see in a near future.


Great heart and gratitude

Cynthia Navarro

It is important to be great hearted and grateful for every opportunity in life, good or bad. Because the future needs people who face reality in difficult times, but are brave enough to continue looking and hoping for the best in others.



Eduardo Kochen

The future will have an amazing technology, but also will have people. People will discover that technology can be made with good intentions, a robot will offer a meal to an african starving boy, and after that the robot might give him hug.I think humans will spread humanity to the world.


Give back a little, accomplish more.

Catrina  Bellucci-DiLizia

My value and vision for the future is simple, combine the two things we need to make more progress. We need thriving businesses to further our world in technology and development but the extra spark that can be added to the loaded gun, and make the world a more rounded place is if there are humanitarian values in the mix. Companies like Toms shoes for example. People love contributing to these because they not only know they are doing good for others, but also feel a part of the world team that makes us humans, us. Achievement in the long run should not be measured by how much we accomplished over the other guy but how our world turns so much smoother when we contribute to everyones growth. This is what makes a bright and exciting future in my mind.


Limits are imposed by ourselves

Jacqueline Carla Vizentin Pereira

The values for the future is are the great importance, where I believe the key values are Respect, Solidarity, Honesty and Ethics, which depends not only on us but also on the others and on the society as a whole. We always believe in a better future, a way of life in which all the cultures may be interacting so that together the world will evolve significantly. Therefore, I believe that the limits for a better future depends on each person, because limits are imposed by ourselves, so we should always search for having a bright future. I hope and believe to get where, I wish create my own means and never cheat the other Always think as group because we know that a team works and comes at a very common goal faster and more efficiently than a single individual.


The Respect.

Amanda Fracchetta

It looks like we're putting ourselves in a position of lesser importance, when we respect, accept or live with the others differences. But as the technology advances quickly and a future becomes increasingly competitive, feel respect is to believe that nobody is in a position to judge what is right or wrong, whereas it is prepotency to think that our reality is right. So when respect is no longer a subject far and become a quality inherent to human beings, every fight, battle, or competition will be fair.