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The Pirelli Turin technological centre enters Parliament

The new Pirelli Technological Centre at Settimo Torinese has become an interesting study case, which was discussed in Italy’s Camera dei Deputati (House of Commons) in Rome on Tuesday 19 April.

Asked to attend a meeting of the V Permanent Commission of the Treasury and Programming Budget, the chairman of Pirelli, Marco Tronchetti Provera, recounted the story of the centre’s creation, inviting the members of parliament present to put questions and make observations on a number of occasions.

We met no small difficulty, but in the end we did it: the project is sustainable and we have begun operations”, Dr. Tronchetti Provera told the meeting. “Our ambitions were extremely high from the environmental point of view”, the chairman underlined. “CO2 emissions have been reduced by 36% and energy consumption by 33%, due to all the new technologies that we have introduced. It was, fundamentally, a commitment by all the institutions. In addition, we asked Renzo Piano to create an industrial project that was economical and we were able to envisage the use of photovoltaic panels for the supply of alternative energy”.

The chairman concluded the meeting by saying he hoped Settimo Torinese could be the starting point, a model for Italy. “Settimo Torinese is a clear example that in Italy there is nothing to prohibit the accomplishment of determinate initiatives. In fact, when the Italians decide they want to achieve an objective, they achieve it well like anyone else and, in certain cases, even better than in other countries”.

The new Technological Centre at Settimo Torinese, an exemplary story, even a protagonist in parliament.

Listen to Marco Tronchetti Provera speech at the Italian Parliament (46.09 min)

Categories: Sustainability