Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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Let’s focus on the reduction of CO2

The challenge of climatic change is probably the most complex that humanity has ever had to face. With the Kyoto Protocol, Europe has established ambitiousobjectives (the 20-20-20 policy) which commits it to achieving these values over those of 2005 by 2020:

20% reduction in the emission of greenhouse gasses;
20% increase in the use of renewable energy sources;
20% improvement in energy efficiency.

That constitutes an important opportunity for European companies. The development of innovative new abilities leading to the creation of new resources in an ever-conscious perspective of sustainable growth. A motto of the Energy Week is ‘Decarbonise our Future’: in other words, reduce our energy dependence on combustible fossils, which are directly responsible for CO₂ emissions.

Pirelli has supported this common effort by monitoring its own greenhouse gas emissions since 2002 and developing increasingly accurate calculus models. In the future, carbon governance will become an ever more important instrument, together with those that already exist, in the decision-making process concerning the creation of sustainable value.

In that context, Pirelli has purposely fixed objectives to reduce  greenhouse gas specific emissions* by 15% over 2009 levels by the end of 2015. Under this scheme, 2010 emissions were just under 5% less, due especially to initiatives adopted for increasing energy efficiency. And, still on the subject of sustainability, a specific action plan is now being developed to further reduce emissions.

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*by specific emissions we mean those normalised on annual tyre production: this data is an indicator of the real quality of the transformation process, unconnected with the values of the annual variation in quantity produced.

Categories: Sustainability