Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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With the world leaders for energy efficiency

Climate change is a subject vitally important to the future of the planet on which Pirelli, together with other major multi-nationals, has been actively committed for many years with substantial resources and investments and through awareness actions and the lobbying of world governments.

The latest initiative is the signing of the Cancun Communiqué by Pirelli Tyre, a programmatic document by the Corporate Leaders’ Group on Climate Change, to be presented to world governments meeting in Cancun from 29 November at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change.

Briefly, the companies that have signed the communiqué are asking the governments of the United Nations to actuate a precise energy policy able to generate efficiency in all sectors, to the advantage of the health of mankind and to the environment.

To read the communiqué, download the pdf.

Among the Italian company which are signatories to the communiqué, together with Pirelli Tyre and Parts, are Barilla, ENEL and Telecom.

The Corporate Leaders’ Group on Climate Change was established at Cambridge University on the initiative of the HRH Prince Charles, Prince of Wales. It brings together the largest British, European and international companies united by the conviction that new long-term policies are indispensible in facing climate change. The objective of the organisation is to collaborate with the institutions to guarantee concrete actions are taken to achieve this new approach to business.

Pirelli Tyre and Parts had already adhered to the Communiqué of Copenhagen in 2009 for the development of new policies in order to respond to the urgent question of climate change, in particular for the control of CO₂ emissions. And it did so in 2007 by subscribing to the Bali Communiqué, the document for the development of concrete strategies through a joint intervention of governments for an exhaustive world agreement on the climate.

Categories: Sustainability