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Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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Pirelli Chairman M. Tronchetti and Italian President Giorgio NapolitanoFor the strong contribution of innovation to the  business results, achieved through the integration of concepts and instruments of innovation into the daily activities of the personnel of all levels of the organisation”, Pirelli Tyre has won the 2009 ‘Companies for Innovation’ award as part of the ’2009 National Award for Innovation’ promoted by Confindustria.
For the points achieved and “for the dynamic and integrated innovation used as a lever for the involvement of the whole company, with a view to ensuring the growth and competitiveness at an international level”, Pirelli Tyre won the ‘Award of Awards’, together with other companies that distinguished themselves in the various selected national awards schemes.
The award, which has only been open to large companies from  this year, was recognised among the prizes within the framework of the ‘Award of Awards’, instituted in 2008 by the office of the Prime Minister to enhance the best capacity for innovation by companies, universities, administrations, institutions or single creators.
The awards ceremony took place yesterday afternoon in Rome at the Palazzo del Quirinale, where the chairman of Pirelli Marco Tronchetti Provera received the ’2009 National Award for Innovation’ from the Italian head of state, President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano.