Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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det_CinturatoP7Quality is at the centre of the activity of Pirelli Tyre affecting functions and processes in all the divisions in a coordinated and synergistic manner, from the continuous innovation of products, services, processes and systems to the protection of the integrity, health and well-being of its employees, to safeguarding the environment along the whole cycle of a product’s life and strategic collaboration between suppliers.

This is a commitment that necessitates continuous attention, verification and updating due to the complexity of constant changes of the economy, society and the environment.

In step with the evolution of the market, Pirelli Tyre renews its programmatic commitment with the guidelines of the new 2009 Quality policy. Principles, but also instrumental indications for its implementation, due to the involvement of the people and their fundamental role in the promotion of the culture of quality.icon_pdf

Quality Policy 2009 Tyre

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Yesterday, institutions and companies met at the headquarters of Assolombarda, Milan, in support of equal opportunity. Diana Bracco, President of the Sodalitas Foundation, presented the ‘Document for equal opportunity and equality at work’, a declaration of intent for the diffusion of a business and political culture of human resources free of discrimination and prejudice and capable of enhancing talent in all its diversity. pariopp09_detail

Promoted by the Sodalitas Foundation, AIAF (Associazione Italiana Imprese Familiari), AIDDA (Associazione Imprenditrici Donne Dirigenti d’Azienda), Impronta Etica, UCID (Unione Cristiana Imprenditori Dirigenti), the Ufficio Nazionale Consigliera di Parità with the support of the Ministry of Work, Health and Social Policies and the Ministry for Equal Opportunity, the Document provides a picture of reference evaluation to guide companies adherent to its application, containing non-detailed regulations but few programmatic commitments based on the principals and key elements of effective programmes of change, tested with success by committed companies that have been associated with the subject for some time.

Sixteen Italian companies voluntarily signed the document on the conclusion of a convention that took place, among the speakers at which were Maurizio Sacconi, Minister of Work, Health and Social Policies and Simonetta Matone, Head of the Cabinet at the Ministry for Equal Opportunity. Among the companies were Abb, Bpm, Bracco, IBM, Nestlé, l’Oréal Italia and Unipol. After having illustrated the commitment of the Group in drafting the Document and the diffusion of a culture of equal opportunity, Antonio Calabrò, director of Institutional and Cultural Affairs and a member of the Presidential Committee of Assolombarda for culture and social responsibility in business, signed the Document for Pirelli, a commitment for the diffusion of policies and resources free of discrimination and prejudice, also contributing in that way to the competitiveness and success of  the company.

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The celebrations to mark Pirelli’s 80 years in Brazil continue. The story of the PLunga in Brazil, from the 30s until today, is online at the address and is told through its factories, products, plantations, market successes and commitments in the country’s culture, sport and society.

The ship that begins this journey on the web flies the Italian flag. A tyre-narrator welcomes visitors and accompanies them through the years and in the areas built up by Pirelli, while sound effects and music recall the most significant stages, together with a video and multi-media material that mark the road, going deeper into the principal stages. In short, a young and entertaining account of a story that has become 80 years old, but which conserves the flavour and freshness of “being Brazilian in Brazil”.