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Renewable energy talks at Pirelli

A convention promoted by the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale and the Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation

A 23% improvement in energy efficiency over the next 10 years would determine an increase of over 1.3 billion euros in internal demand, with a contribution of an average rate of about 0.5% in gross national product.

That is what has emerged from the second “Osservatorio per le Energie Rinnovabile ed Efficienza Energetica” (renewable energy and energy efficiency observer) promoted by the Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation and the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (agency for a digital Italy) in collaboration with the Bocconi University, the Milan Polytechnic and the Milan Bicocca University of Studies. The data is to be presented in Milan on February 12th at our HQ during the “Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Convention, Scenarios and Opportunities”.

The event is opened by Marco Tronchetti Provera, president of the Silvio Tronchetti Provera Foundation, followed by Corrado Clini, the Italian government’s Minister of the Environment, Territorial and Sea Protection.

The convention continues with a presentation of the study by its creators, Vittorio Chiesa, ordinary professor of the Milan Polytechnic, Giancarlo Giudici, associate professor of the Milan Polytechnic and Massimo Beccarello, associate professor of the Milan Bicocca University of Studies.

Central to their presentation are the relevant technologies for renewable energies technology (photovoltaics, hydro-electrics) and energy efficiency, which present themselves as a real driving force in the growth of the country. The moderator is Lucio Pinto, director of the STP Foundation.

On conclusion of the convention, a round table discussion on “Energy and Innovation: the Role of the State” with the participation of Luigi Nicolais, president of CNR.

The book “Energie Rinnovabili ed Efficienza Energetica, Scenari e Opportunità” will be available in Italian and English on the sites: