Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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Pirelli is once again confirmed as the only Italian company in the Automobile&Parts sector to be included in the FTSE4Good Index.

The six monthly revision conducted by the independent agency EIRIS has reconfirmed Pirelli in the share indices for responsible investment of the London Stock Exchange FTSE4Good (FTSE Global and FTSE4Good Europe) with a score of 100 points out of 100, a further increase on the 99 points of March 2012 and the 98 of September 2011. Pirelli, which has been part of the FTSE4Good indices since 2002, has also been reconfirmed as the only Italian company in the Automobile&Parts sector to be included in the indices.

The FTSE4Good indices only include those companies which, on the basis of an independent evaluation conducted by the British agency EIRIS, respond to the stringent criteria of sustainable economic, social and environmental performance.

As well as other company characteristics, the evaluation includes the sustainable management of the supply chain, the regulations and instruments adopted for corporate governance, environmental management and performance as well as the policies put into effect and results achieved in the area of relations with each of its stakeholders.