Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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Pirelli among the 100 World’s Most Reputable Companies

Within the 2011 Global RepTrakTM100 , the most authoritative annual study of the reputations of the leading businesses in the world by the Reputation Institute, Pirelli is in 31 place with a score of 73.88%.

Pirelli, Ferrero and Barilla are the only Italian brands to be ranked in the 2011 Global RepTrakTM100.

The classification is the result of a survey conducted among 48,000 consumers in 15 different countries in April 2011, in which participants were asked to express their opinions on a panel comprising 100 principle companies at a global level. Google took the first place again, having already dominated the 2010 rankings, followed by Apple and The Walt Disney Company.

Categories: Sustainability