Sustainability Channel

Sustainability Channel is the communication channel towards our stakeholders interested in Sustainable approach to the business.

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The FTSE4Good Semi-Annual June 2015 Review conducted by FTSE has reconfirmed Pirelli in the share indices for responsible investment of the London Stock Exchange FTSE4Good – Automobile & Parts – with a top ESG rating of 100 points out of 100 for the fourth year in a row.

The FTSE4Good Series is designed to help investors integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into their investments.

The indices identify companies that better manage ESG risks and are used as a basis for tracker funds, structured products and as a performance benchmark.

The ESG Ratings are used by investors who wish to incorporate ESG factors into their investment decision making processes, or as a framework for corporate engagement and stewardship.

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From July 7th to July 30th Pirelli’s employees can visit the “Material-Value-Immaterial” photography exhibition, entirely dedicated to tyres’ recycling.

The exhibit arises from young Milanese photographer Daniele Tamagni’s suggestions. For Ecopneus – non-profit Limited Company working on the traceability, collection, treatment and recovery of End-of-Life Tyres (ELT) – he realized a series of snapshots narrating the first and the second life of tyres.

Images are exhibited inside Pirelli’s headquarter in Milan Bicocca and have a two-fold purpose: to sensitise the audience on the environmental implications related to the recovering of End-of-Life Tyres and to show what are tyres’ possible reuses, such as the creation of synthetic soccer fields and road asphalt.