Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Imagination reflection of life

Danilo  Sano Kawano

We can see that world is developing. We feel time passing through our lives very fast that sometimes we think a day is not enough. In the future competition will be harder because people are studying overseas and changing knowledge. This is globalization! Imagination is the key to open the doors to the future. Every single invention was created by thoughts and creativity, in other words, sometimes a person has a good idea from simple actions or experiences. Another issue that might differ some person from other is the value carried by each one. Nowadays is not hard to find capable and highly qualified professional however to get someone who has a respect for the other and truly committed with job is pretty difficult. Therefore, if you can combine imagination with good values. The chance to succeed is high.



Camila Delavalle

I believe that the best value we can have in the future is: wisdom. Wisdom is a gift of the human being which involves much more than just having intelligence and studies because both are things that we conquer with our own efforts. Wisdom allows us to go further, it allows us humanize our attitudes, and above all that things, wisdom brings us: solidity, prudence, insight, perspicacity, culture, sapience ... I believe that people in the future will have riches, wealth and honor in their legacy if they have wisdom in their attitudes.


Conversation and Corporate Intimacy

Mikaila Barber

I think the future will be about engaging in conversation and initiating shared meaning. I think that it will be important for business to interact with their customers in a way the allowseveryone to share opinions, ideas and needs. conversation and Corporate Intamacy will open the barriers to success for business, consumers and our peers.


Persistence and Motivation

José Henrique Gavazzi Sandim

For me, all the things in the world are based on Persistence and Motivation, you need to have both to look for your dreams. Without them you would not chase the thing you really want for your life!



Ronaldo Killing

Respect is a fundamental value and attitude to reach our personal and group targets. With respect, we can learn to valorize the differences between peoples in a same group, that can take us to reach better results. With mutual respect, we can establish strong links between people, that make them think more in the welfare of the others, what takes to an improvement in our life quality. Respect turns into confidence and confidence into commitment, which is fundamental to develop team tasks. I believe that respect is the attitude we hope to see in the future!



Danielly Castro

Imagine the future with more responsibility. To people, to animals, to the environment. A world in which every innovation, technological or not, do not run away from social, corporate and personal responsibilities. Responsibility to think and act with wisdom and consider every element conected to your goal. Responsibility. This is the value of the present and the future.



Adonnis Honorato Cruz

Nowadays the world is full of social problems, like starvation, wars, natural disaster, corruption and others. For a better future I believe that honesty is the greatest value that we have to survive. Society is loosing that value to be even more selfish. So it's time to change that and respect more the people around and their rights. It's possible to overcome all the day to day adversities that we face if we do this together, as one team, as one big society.


The power of choice

Thayná Cardille

Youngsters don’ t know if they play or take it seriously, if they run off or remain quiet. It's a shame that you can not be in both places. Among so many choices, the young people grow by learning and acquiring values in each experience .. Your CHARACTER is formed and that it is our HOPE. With good choices and RESPONSABILITY, the future gets a chance! Maybe that's the great value that we expect to find in the world, the value of choice. Some choose to have COURAGE, others, HUMILITY... but working together with SOLIDARITY and especially imposing your values with DETERMINATION, we get to SUCCESS..


Do all things with love

Marcílio Correia

I believe when you do things with love the final result is the best. I'll explain why. If you love your job, don't matter your sallary, don't matter how long you wait to arrive at your work. You'll be simply happy. Imagine all the people in the world do things that love, they could be more happier and minimize, for example, health problems. I want a world that exist more smiles in the streets, that exist more compassion. And this day will arrive, I'm sure!



Juliana Bruno

Nowadays a globalized and increasingly participatory company wants to be heard, especially due to the advancement of social networks and information technology which grant it a new transforming power in which youth are set in. Good management is not the only concern of the companies - the challenge is to ensure communication and interaction between the leaders and the employees in a process that works both ways.


Commitment with the world

Clarismary Guedes

Being committed is to think positively, is to transform an idea into reality is to share experiences and invest in good things, we can not waste time. One of the greatest virtues of the human being is communication, it's the essence of life; through it we can win the world. If we have determination, we will have the force to accomplish all of our goals.



Gabrielle  Cordeiro

In order to build a better world and to continue providing growth to the company, there is a need for people to put their heads together, as when there is a common goal it becomes easier to reach it faster and consequently achieve greater benefits. The world will only have higher improvements when everyone is engaged in and willing to fight for this goal together. Human beings have lived very individualized lives and it is common knowledge that nature itself is reacting in consequence of many selfish actions. We are beings with strengths and weaknesses and together we can overcome any obstacle. This union promotes socialization and well-being, ensuring utmost team work quality, which overcomes individuality where common ground is important. In order to ensure a common well-being it, requires that everyone is willing to help each other.