Here are the values received so far. Apply and submit your value too.


Power of Innovation & Creativity

Abdelrahman Mohamed

Innovate and create : - A new work routine for workers and operators differs than the current boring one - A process which can discover the passion inside every person inside a company, starting from the operator and ending with the C.O and managers. Thus, the company's efficiency can be improved through these new discovered passions



Abdullah Riad

I believe that "Purity" is going to be the value for tomorrow, physically and emotionally; 'Physically', when purity of the environment around us is going to be a dream of human beings in the middle of the developing pollution forms evolving around us. 'Emotionally', when purity of minds and purity of heart feelings are going to be rare as I imagine, purity of minds always leads to a purposeful creative imagination which is always a stronger factor in development even much more than science, I think this kind of value is going to be valuable as I imagine people in the future will just be trying to struggle in order to survive, like living to eat not eating to live and create.



Anna Rzhevkina

Even many of us believe to be free individuals, our lives indeed are guided by millions of rules. Nobody is surprised if what a person thinks, what he/she says, and what he/she does are three different things. Indeed, being totally genuine and honest means to be crazy in our society. Loneliness and feeling of estrangement are the results. In my opinion the best thing is to show true emotions while communicating with people. Moreover, I am sure it makes any type of communication, including the business one, the most effective. My idea as a future marketing specialist is to give people a chance to express not only their thoughts and ideas but their genuine feelings, to demonstrate the beauty of being natural. achieve success !!

Mariam Bassem

Persistence is an important value of the future. Persistence is what makes us fight for our dreams ,fight for our existence and fight to prove ourselves. We all have dreams and at times we feel that our dreams are far enough to reach them, but it is only persistence that gives us the strength to go through the hard moments to realize our dreams and it gives us the courage to stand up again at the time of falls. Persistence creates a strong will and makes us motivated to overcome all the obstacles or challenges that we may face in the pursuit of a certain goal. Persistent individuals are the ones who enjoy their success and witness their wishes coming to reality and persistent companies are the ones who can face strongly a competition , survive a battle, succeed &excel.


Respect and Ride Hard

Nicolò Agostini

Keep looking at the future, with respect, loyalty and never give up, ride hard until you reach the desired result.



Margherita Pennetta

It is difficult to define just one single value which should be the most important in our future professional and personal life. Individuals, situations, cultures, belongings are all so complex and beautifully different that a pluralistic way to see “the Path” is actually the only one possible. Because of that, I believe that the greatest gift we could do to each other, and most of all to ourselves, is Trust. We need to look to the future with confidence, we need to approach everyday challenges trusting our personal capabilities, our passions, our desires, but also trying to learn placing our faith in people around us: workmates, people from our staff, neighbors. I bet a clever use of mutual trust will lead to more links between diversities, to a spreading optimism and to a better valorization of fresh and innovative ideas.



Kyle Yarrington

Humility is important, and seems to be a value that not many embrace immediately as such. If a mistake is made, it's important to be honest and admit the mistake as it is, to try and learn from mistakes in order to improve in the future, and to set an example for others. No one is perfect, no idea will ever be perfect, but learning to admit fault and use that as a fuel to inspire more creative ideas and striving to create better products should always be something that people embrace. Humility is more important than money, speed, publicity, or politics. Humility also encompasses strength, courage, honesty, consistency, and perseverance.



Max Höfler

being passionate about what one does in life is the single most important trait for any objective, since it entails all other virtues that are need to become not only successful in that task, but also happy as a person. A person who is passionate about his/her Job will not view employment as work or as a burden, but rather as an opportunity and a pleasure.



Sophie-Anne  Larue

Our world is very much like a puzzle and we are the pieces. We have many oblique and similar pieces, characters if you like, all connecting in dynamic and interesting ways. Then we have the special pieces, the ones who shape and make the biggest differences to this puzzle, the borders and especially the corner pieces. How we shape our self is how we are placed on this puzzle piece, therefore as i cannot exist as a circular piece, I plan to find that identity which will place me closest to the borders. Because I like living near the edge.


Value your values

Mahmoud Elkader

To have a value ,is what lots of companies and personnel are looking for ,but not so many try to Spread ,Prioritize,Engage,Enlarge and Develop their values ;that's what i call to SPEED their values . what can you do with a very powerful and ethical value,which is idle or malfunctioning?The answer is nothing.


trying our best

Alaa Aladdin

trying our best to be the best , may lead us to be good enough


Responsibility for future

Yunus Semiz

we have to be resbonsible while we are using water, energy, enviroment and etc. because we have to let have all children liveable world.